Career Coaching - Career Coach

Experienced Career Coach - London UK

Do what you love, love what you do, and deliver more than you promise.

Are you unhappy or uncertain about your career? Take a moment to ask yourself how you feel about your professional-life. Happy?

  • Do you need more of something in your working life? (passion, meaning, purpose, direction, drive, recognition, autonomy, reward)
  • Or perhaps you need less of something in your working life? (boredom, bullying, toxic relationships, working hours, tiredness, stress)
  • Or perhaps you know you need to change but for some reason, you feel stuck, lost or in a fog about what to do.

Great Life Coach Career Coaching

Are your DIY Career Change efforts going nowhere? Did the Universe give you a shove with a redundancy? Is that knowingness that you are on the wrong path, in the wrong company, or climbing the wrong ladder screaming at you?

Re-Invention starts with pain.

I will work deeply with you to connect you to your Passion and Purpose, your gift to the World. One-on-one, utterly custom, no tests, no psychometrics, no square peg.

I take you on an intuitive journey deep inside to discover your Authentic Self, to understand the difference you wish to make, to get acquainted with what is wrong in your life situation today, and to discover your uniqueness in this world.

My bespoke one-on-one work will support you to take control of your career transition.

Are you unhappy or uncertain about your career?  There are many reasons why people would approach a career coach. The most common reasons are...

Do you need more of something in your life?

Do you need less of something in your life?

You need to change your life, but for some reason, you feel stuck, lost, or in a fog about what to do.

Specialist Career Change Support is Right Here

The remarkable work we can do together is...

  • Open and Inspiring
  • Customised to Your Uniqueness
  • Discreet and Utterly Confidential
  • Holistic - Career, Love, Dreams
  • Deep and Honest
  • Clarity and Sense Making
  • Real World Pragmatic
  • Spiritual or Not
  • Full Spectrum
  • Specialised support for your transition

Since 2003 I have been providing expert support for people who are navigating their way through Career Changes, Challenges and Crises.

I am adept at holding a space that embraces the practicalities of every aspect of your life experience, providing pragmatism and a spiritual foundation. I am tenderly tough and proven with many 5* Google reviews.

I am an open and a razor sharp confidant who can help you rationalise a new perspective on life and map out a way forwards.

Benefits of working with Great Life Coach Career Coaching

  • Supporting You through your journey
  • Making Sense of your world
  • Gain Clarity to cut through complexity
  • Laughter and Tears from deep honest dialogue
  • Vulnerability and Power understood
  • More Authentic living
  • Take Responsibility and return to power
  • Alignment with a Happier You
  • Figure stuff out, find meaning, what to settle on, where to grow, what to change
  • Feel heard and supported on a structured journey
  • Re-Invent towards your yearnings for the next 10 years of your life
  • Build a Toolkit to deal with life's challenges - Suffer Less, Flourish More
  • I cant promise to fix all your problems, but I can promise that you don't have to face them alone

Free Initial Consultation

If you are navigating the challenges of a Career Change, you don't need to fight this battle alone! Test it yourself, and let me exceed your expectations. 
I offer telephone-based Career Change Coaching support for men and women Worldwide. If you are in the London area, we can also do face-to-face work together. 

I can help you bring more passion, purpose and peace into your career

Around half of my clients use life coaching to support them with career evolution and change; the following list details the kinds of situations that we might work on:

Your Career as an Expression of who you are

London Career Coach - Photo by Quinn AnyaA sacred path exists for all of us. The way that we choose to creatively manifest ourselves via our daily work is the biggest opportunity we have to feel like a meaningful connected contributing human. The strangest thing happens to us when we contribute; if we are receptive, something comes back to us, completeness.

Having just read that, some part of you is probably already jumping up and declaring something like… “what has all this fluffy spiritual gobbledygook got to do with me, I need a career, I need to succeed, I need to be proud of climbing my ladder”. -- Well my friend, here you are wandering around a career coaching website!

Something inside you is trying to be heard, a yearning for meaning, a desire for a sense of purpose, an escape from the humdrum that was the last ten years – and who knows what the next ten will be like, a wise little voice in you calling for help.

Why work with a Career Coach?

I can help.

If you are prepared to take a step back from the daily grind and become aware of how you play your apparently meaningless role in the big game, an opportunity exists for you; An opportunity to fundamentally change the way that you feel about your daily work; a transformation can take place from “doing your job” towards “being who you really are and giving what you have to give in the interconnectedness of it all”.  Happiness can dawn.

I can help you tune into your sense of purpose at work

You are probably reading this because your authentic self has been saying “please listen to me“ for a little too long! 

What is going to free your spirit? The good things you do in the world are your purpose!  … Your calling is the most satisfying and gratifying form of work because it is done for its own sake rather than for the material benefits that it brings. You can contribute to the greater good, to something larger than yourself.

Try This...

How can you make an impact?

Purpose is not big, you make a difference every day, live purpose in every moment. Somewhere deep inside you, in the blueprint of your soul is a sense of purpose. How many years have you been squashing the blueprint?

Our coaching work together will reveal your purpose in a very practical way that will allow you to confidently bring about change in your career, your relationships and the way that you relate to the world.

My formula for Career Change

I go way beyond psychometric testing and traditional career counseling; I take you on an intuitive journey deep inside to discover your True Self, to get acquainted with what is wrong in your life situation today, and to discover your uniqueness in this world; it is not an analysis of which mould you fit into!  Having discovered the essence of your Self, we then build up a knowledge of who you really are, your purpose, your strengths and your values -- and what you are here to do; Your gift to the world. 

The coaching strategy that we adopt facilitates you to choose the work, a job, a profession or a career that allows you to manifest your strengths and values every day.  We also establish what will propel you down your chosen path. Gains have a loss… The outcomes of this personal development work range from simply re-crafting your existing career and adopting a clarifying attitudinal change to a setting out on a complete career change…. or life change!

Try This...

Ready to start...

Ask yourself what your friends tell you about yourself?  What do people come to you for?  There’s a clue about your purpose straight away!

The best way to be happy at work is to feel completely at home within yourself when you work -- the challenges you meet perfectly mesh with your abilities to meet them.  Purpose requires no retraining. Purpose driven change often involves surrendering the “social package” that you have defined for yourself.  Fear and pride are overcome.  Fear is excitement without oxygen. Belief systems are challenged, and you are then able to emerge from your comfort-zone cocoon as a butterfly.

As a career coach, my gift is to help you embrace your career as a path that will allow you to be who you really are, a path of meaning and if you are open to it, a path of happiness. 

Take up the challenge of designing a confident career-driven future. Using a safe and supportive foundation of trust, freedom of expression and commitment, I always work to help you explore your inner being, to regain balance in your personal and working life, and to align with your true values and fullest potential. Using a stimulating London-based face-to-face or telecoaching program customised to fit your current personal development needs, my lifecoaching focuses on your inner guidance, purpose, skills, beliefs, techniques and processes necessary to take you into a great future.

I partner with intelligent, successful people who want to excel at their passion, gifts and unique talents in a way that brings them success, happiness and balance. Otherwise, do what you always did and you will get what you always got.

You may find the following inspirational...

Read This...


“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” ~ Howard Thurman

Find something that you love to do, and do it every day. Find something that moves through you choicelessly, effortlessly, naturally, without you 'doing' anything at all, something that makes you feel vibrantly alive, something that totally absorbs you, something that makes you forget past and future and the burden of 'self', something that feels deeply truthful to the very core of your being, something that makes life worth living, something full of deep connection, and do it. Do it every day. Find a way of making a living out of it, of making your life an expression of it. Remember that when you focus on the destination, you miss the journey, which is where all of life is. True contentment will not come in the future by waiting for it.

True contentment is knowing who you truly are today, being that, and living that, and that is how futures are born. Yes, the fears will come, the doubts, the Buts and the Shouldn'ts and the I Can'ts. Yes, fear is to be expected and embraced and integrated. Yes, the mind will say "but you won't make any money", and the mind will say "there's no security in it", and the mind will say, "you'll make a fool of yourself", and the mind will say, "you'll fail completely", and the mind will say, "but what will others think of you?", and the mind will say all kinds of things because it wants only want it knows and what it can predict, and it fears change and ultimately death, but know that you are not the mind, and mind is fully entitled to say whatever it likes, for it is not in control of the vastness of You. Fear is not a block, resistance cannot stop the unstoppable flow that creates galaxies and makes the birds sing, and the objections of the mind are only objections to change. But change is the way of things, not the enemy, and a life fully lived that ends in glorious failure is infinitely preferable to a life half-lived that ends in empty success, and stagnant pools of unloved cash.

What is success anyway? It is not how much money there is in your bank account - we know that now. It is not a list of achievements and awards and recognition, it is not the string of letters after your name and the certificates on your wall, it is not how many customers or followers you have, it is the fire in your belly, is it what pours naturally out of your heart in the moment, not what pours into your pockets in the future, it is absolute alignment with life, with who and what you are, it is doing what you love and loving what you do, loving it so much that you have no choice but to allow it to be done, loving it so much that the worldly rewards are secondary, even if they come flowing in abundance.

Be absolutely aligned with what and who you are, and live out of that alignment, and you will know true prosperity, as you did when you were young and had not yet learned how to conform or fear failure. We have confused profit with prosperity, success with statistics, and many people now live only for profit and status, but it is an empty profit, a profit haunted by fear and loss and ultimately ruin, a profit dependent on uncontrollable outer circumstances.

Do what you love, die into life, and you will know true and dependable prosperity beyond profit, the prosperity that no amount of profit can buy, and no loss of profit can destroy. The mind, which operates in the realm of profit and loss, cause and effect, time and space, will fear loss of profit, loss of image, loss of security, and will always long for more profit. Acknowledge the fear and the greed, do not make them into the enemy, but let your focus be on your prosperity and the prosperity of those around you, on what you love, on your truth, and do not let anything become an excuse to neglect your deepest calling, that which pulls you effortlessly onwards. Do what you love without distraction. Yes, you may lose what you have, what you think is yours. You may have less money than before. You may face criticism and even ridicule from some. That's possible. But you will be absolutely aligned with life, and you will be open to opportunity, to unexpected help appearing along the way, to e-mails and phone calls out of the blue, to who and what you need appearing on time, and what you don't need disappearing on time.

You will learn to live not by the schedule of the mind and its stories, but by your own inner schedule, the schedule of the comets and stars, an ancient schedule of deep peace and true contentment. You will be so in love with what you do that you will lose all fear of absence of money altogether, and trust will replace fear, and out of this fertilizer of absolute trust, enough money will grow, or at least the means to support yourself, or at least the willingness to be supported as you find your footing. In unexpected ways, support will come, connections will happen somehow, the right people and circumstances will appear, and things will start to flow, including money, if that is what you are worried about, for money is only energy anyway, and all is energy. Maybe it will come slowly at first. Maybe not to the schedule the mind would like, but it will come, in its own time.

The flow is what is important, not the outcome. You will learn patience and trust, and you will be forced to make friends with doubt. You may say "it's not possible, it will all end in failure", but you'll never know until you try. You may make a good living doing what you love. You may even make a great living. It's possible. Others have done it before you. And from what life gives you, you will be able to give back more than you ever imagined possible, and the cycle of prosperity will keep going and going. Yes, maybe I am completely wrong. Maybe this is all wishful thinking, New Age nonsense, immature head-in-the-sand spiritual babble, a promise of contentment for the already content. Maybe your fears and doubts are justified. Maybe you're totally stuck in the life you are living with no hope of escape. But maybe not. And it is this 'maybe not', this possibility that cracks open all other possibilities, that so many people refuse to step into, instead allowing fears and doubts and justifications to rule their lives and limit their vastness. And then all that is left is blame, and bitterness, and regret, and the cosmic guilt of smallness and wasted potential, and hope for another life, or waiting for external circumstances to change.

We blame anything and anyone for our stuckness and our refusal (which we reframe as our inability) to step into the life we love - our genes, our brain chemistry, our spiritual beliefs, our karma, our personality, our parents, the economy, the government, the weather, the alignment of the planets, our history, our conclusions about what will happen. Once the blame game begins, there is no end to it. But there's no joy in it either. I have known people who, in the last few weeks of their lives, suddenly discovered something they were good at, something that made their hearts sing: dying well. Dying in a way that would inspire others. Allowing their dying to be transformative and life-changing. In the last few weeks of their life, they tapped into absolute prosperity. They gave themselves totally to what they loved, without expectation of profit. There is never an excuse. We can always tap into something. Sometimes knowing what we do't want is the first step. Sometimes not knowing what we want, but giving ourselves the space and time to explore and find out, is a movement of supreme intelligence and courage in itself.

There are no commands here, no 'shoulds'. I'm not telling you how to live or what to do. There is enough of that in the world. These are only little invitations from one who has walked this path, loving reminders to open up to your own vastness, to set the heart free, to dance and sing and create and be what you have always known yourself to be: Life itself, pregnant with creative potential, the potential that exploded as the Big Bang, the potential that has forever inscribed tales of tremendous adventures on the walls of your heart, the potential that still explodes as every thought, every sensation, every feeling. Live the life you love, because you may only have today, and nobody else can live it for you, and you will get tired of waiting.

This excellent article is by the inimitable Jeff Foster (Quoted from a Public Facebook Post)


I partner with intelligent, successful people who want to excel at their passion, gifts and unique talents in a way that brings them success, happiness and balance. Otherwise, do what you always did and you will get what you always got. Get in touch today.

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