Taking a Career Sabbatical

Taking a Sabbatical, Gap Year or Dropping out?

I can help you simplify and slow down.

Pat Smith PhotographyLost? Stuck? Bored? Stressed? Confused? Exhausted? Directionless? Disconnected? Unbalanced? Powerless? Miserable? Lonely? Numb? Dead? Is your body telling you that it is time to slow down, time perhaps to take some time-out from the race for yourSelf?  Just to Be.  Simple.

There are many aspects to slowing down, as a life coach I will help you establish how to slow down and what to Be when you slow down.  Is it partying in Ibiza, travelling around the world, volunteering in a foreign country, taking a gap year or maybe taking You time to learn more about yourself?

Is it time to be a Human Being rather than a Human Doing?

Try this...

Consider this… Who we are being, including who we consider ourselves to be, always gives us what actions to take, including the actions of what we say. 

If you take the time, you will see that your being nature is made up of thoughts and feelings.  It is the sum total of our thoughts, feelings, words and actions that determines what we do and have in our lives.


There are many rhythms to life, the daily sun cycle, the seasons of the year and the seasons of our maturing life to name but a few.  One cycle that you may not be aware of that plays a powerful role in who we are, how we feel and who we become is the Be-Do-Have cycle.  Perhaps the Being phase of your cycle is ready to manifest – don’t resist it, plan around it, take time out and maximize your use of this time with a life coach – let me demonstrate how.

The Be-Do-Have cycle

When we are in tune with this cycle the opportunity exists for us to not resist it.

Think about the various chapters of your own life, you can probably identify phases of your life of purely Being, existing, going with the flow.  Out of this phase probably came an urge to go and Do something, after a period of Doing, you experienced Having; perhaps money to spend on luxuries, or a sense of accomplishment.  Eventually impermanence arrived and this having-phase came to an end – often accompanied by a life lesson or unexpected ending, crash, failure or out-of-control sensation.  And then… it is back to Being, often accompanied by every feeling you have ever had of Loss, failure and resistance of what is.  You will stay in this mode until your creative furnace builds and pushes you back into a Doing phase.

In our society the noble Being phase does not get much attention mainly because it is much easier to be doing and having!  And many would say that just being is a waste of time. The sages disagree. The real power that you have to shape and form your experience of life lies in the Being phase.  When you are ready, if you take time to just Be you can take control of your life, consider this.

If you are ready, as a life coach I can work as a guide to help you establish answers to questions like “From where do my thoughts and feelings arise?” My coaching work will reveal that they come from one of two places, either from your Created Life Purpose or from your Inherited Life Purpose.

This seminal way of looking at yourself may be too deep for some; in these cases I am also very effective at helping you plan a volunteering career, gap year or that summer in Ibiza!

If you are feeling like dropping-out altogether. I can help you establish an intent and motivation along with a plan for the transition.  Just Being is exciting. My gift is to help you embrace your career as a path that will allow you to be who you really are, a path of meaning and if you are open to it, a path of happiness.  Take up the challenge of designing a confident career driven future. Using a safe and supportive foundation of trust, freedom of expression and commitment, I always work to help you explore your inner being, to regain balance in your personal and working life and to align with your true values and fullest potential. Using a stimulating London-based face-to-face program customised to fit your current personal development needs, my lifecoaching focuses on your inner guidance, purpose, skills, beliefs, techniques and processes necessary to take you into a great future.  Take up the challenge of designing a confident career driven future. Using a safe and supportive foundation of trust, freedom of expression and commitment, I always work to help you explore your inner being, to regain balance in your personal and working life and to align with your true values and fullest potential. Using a stimulating London-based face-to-face program customised to fit your current personal development needs, my lifecoaching focuses on your inner guidance, purpose, skills, beliefs, techniques and processes necessary to take you into a great future.

I partner with intelligent, successful people who want to excel at their passion, gifts and unique talents in a way that brings them success, happiness and balance. Otherwise, do what you always did and you will get what you always got!


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