UK Life Coaching

Case Study - Mother Returns to Work and a Broken Marriage

Alison, a young mother, first got in touch to explore ways that she could bring more balance to her life. She had a 2yr old and was living with her husband of five years. Motherhood was a challenging experience for her, and she felt imprisoned. Her initial coaching focus was on balance and health. How could she make time to recover her body, get fi...

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  3664 Hits

What to do when you are Feeling Disconnected

I often get enquiries from people who describe themselves as feeling numb, disconnected from their body or disconnected from other people and nature. It got me thinking about why so many people feel so disconnected. In my experience life doesn't have to be that way. I can help you RECONNECT with your own essence, to reconnect with nature and other ...

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  6691 Hits

Case Study - Recovery from a Broken Heart

Kate got in touch to explore setting up an appointment. We chatted for around 15 minutes about the wretched place that she had found herself in. She reported a visceral sadness that was consuming her mind, body, and workweek. She told me that she had never experienced feelings quite like these before.  One moment she was blissfully in love, an...

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  7131 Hits

Invest Deeply in Yourself

Life Coaching is fundamentally an opportunity to invest in yourSelf. The investment, discovery and effort that you make today can change your life for the better, forever. Investing in your life in the now is the only opportunity you will ever have to make tangible changes for the better. If you change nothing, nothing will change. Coaching is not ...

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  3417 Hits

Overcoming Depression

I read today that around 1 in 4 Britons will suffer from a mental health problem within a given year. There are over 22 Million people in the USA on anti-depressants. There's no wonder really given the out-of-touch-with-nature lifestyle that so many people lead. Information overwhelm, constant change, unlimited options, great wealth, instant global...

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  3867 Hits

Intuition and Intuitive Awareness

Intuitive awareness is being in touch with your True Self. Intuitive awareness is the unmoving bedrock of my life coaching work. My intuition coaching work includes: Combining life skills coaching with intuition coachingCustomised personal intuition coaching programsLife purpose awarenessIntegration of intuition and awareness into your everyday lif...

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  3208 Hits

Fear of Success, fear of Failure

What is your relationship to Success and Failure? The forces of success and failure often affect our ways in the world. I offer success coaching to individuals as well as providing motivational talks to groups/audiences. Some ponderances for you... So is success what happens when you do not fail? What if you could not fail, would you be successful?...

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  4233 Hits

Was your January Yikky or Wahoo?

That smile completed my Wahoo January! How about you? Which camp are you in? Wahoo or Yikky? If you are in the Wahoo camp, you can skip to the end of this article and I'll tell you how you can change your world. If you are in the Yikky camp, I have good news for you too. The days are slowly beginning to lengthen, and the light is slowly returning. ...

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  3107 Hits

Sauvignon Blanc and Glass Ceilings

The big city can be a very exciting place to manifest, to create and give our gift to the world… However for many who are socially conditioned, parentally conditioned, educationally de-natured and then tossed onto a ladder that pleases everybody else; only to find several years later that precious life was squandered in an unconscious daily cycle o...

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  3973 Hits

Another day in the Rat Race

I am often humbled to work as a life coach. Hearing peoples honest stories of what they put up with and all. Over the years I have learnt so much about the human condition, the traps we build for ourselves and the stories-of-smallness we convince ourselves of. I could write a book. One condition that I hear about almost on a daily basis is The Rat ...

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  4215 Hits

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