UK Life Coaching

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How to overcome stay or go relationship ambivalence

Moving Forward: Navigating Ambivalence with a Life Coach

As a life coach, I often encounter clients who are in a state of relationship ambivalence. They are unsure whether to stay or go, as their partner is both too good to leave and too bad to stay. It's a complex emotional state that can leave us feeling conflicted and overwhelmed, and it's important to recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

In my own personal experience, I've found myself in a similar position. I love her, but I am not in love. It's a feeling that can be hard to understand, but it's a common experience for many people in long-term relationships. We may feel comfortable and secure with our partner, but we lack the passion and excitement that we once had. It's a difficult position to be in, but it's important to explore whether or not our relationship can be saved.

The first phase in this process is planning. We need to take the time to reflect on our relationship and figure out what's really going on. This involves looking at the good and bad aspects of our relationship and figuring out what's causing our ambivalence. It's important to be honest with ourselves and our partner about how we're feeling, even if it's uncomfortable or difficult.

Once we've done some reflection, it's time to start discussing. We need to have open and honest conversations with our partner about how we're feeling and what we want from the relationship. It's important to listen to each other and work together to find a solution that works for both of us. This is where holding space comes in - it's about creating a safe and non-judgmental environment where we can have these conversations and work through our issues. I can prepare you for this and give you powerful tools to work through the ambivalence. 

As a life coach, I can support this process by providing guidance and insight. I can help my clients navigate their feelings and work through their ambivalence. I can also help couples work together to find solutions that work for both of them. Whether it's through individual coaching or couples coaching, I can provide the support that my clients need to move forward into a new life-chapter.

If you're feeling unsure about your relationship and are in a state of ambivalence, I encourage you to reach out and explore the process. With the right support and guidance, it's possible to move forward into a happier and healthier relationship. Let's work together to create a brighter future for you and your partner. I work with Men. I work with Women.

If you're interested in exploring this process further, please don't hesitate to give me a call. Let's work together to create a brighter future for you and your partner.

How can you change your life?

Step 1: Establish the goal and the desired outcome.
The first step is to clearly define the goal and what the client hopes to achieve by making this life change. This includes identifying the benefits of achieving the goal and why it is important to the client.

Step 2: Identify the obstacles and challenges.
The next step is to identify the potential obstacles and challenges that could prevent the client from achieving their goal. This includes exploring any fears, limiting beliefs, and external factors that may get in the way.

Step 3: Create a plan of action.
Once the obstacles and challenges have been identified, the coach works with the client to develop a step-by-step plan to achieve their goal. This includes setting specific milestones and deadlines to keep the client on track.

Step 4: Develop new habits and behaviors.
In order to achieve the desired outcome, the client will likely need to adopt new habits and behaviors. The coach works with the client to identify the necessary changes and develop strategies to make them stick.

Step 5: Address limiting beliefs and negative self-talk.
Limiting beliefs and negative self-talk can be a major roadblock to success. The coach helps the client identify and address these negative thought patterns, and develop a more positive and empowering mindset.

Step 6: Evaluate progress and adjust the plan as necessary.
Regular evaluation is key to staying on track and making progress. The coach and client will regularly assess progress and make adjustments to the plan as necessary.

Step 7: Celebrate successes and acknowledge progress.
Celebrating successes and acknowledging progress is an important part of the coaching process. This helps to build momentum and motivation, and reinforces the client's commitment to their goal.

By following this 7-step process, clients can stay focused, motivated, and on track as they work towards their desired life change. My support will be invaluable in helping clients overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

New Beginnings: Embracing Change

Listen, I know you're busy. You've got a job to do, a life to live, and a whole host of responsibilities to juggle. Who has time for an initial chat with a coach? I mean, what's the point? You're doing fine, right? Well, maybe. But if you're feeling unfulfilled in your relationship, maybe it's time to invest just 20 minutes of your time in a conversation that could change your life.

Think of it this way: 20 minutes is less time than it takes to watch an episode of your favorite show on Netflix. It's less time than it takes to scroll through your social media feed. And yet, those 20 minutes could be the catalyst for a major transformation in your life. It could be the first step towards finding a relationship-solution that truly aligns with your purpose and values.

Sure, you could keep doing what you're doing, coasting along in a job that doesn't inspire you. You could keep telling yourself that it's too late to make a change, that you don't have the time or energy to start over. But is that really how you want to spend the rest of your life? Is that the legacy you want to leave behind?

I get it. Investing in yourself can be scary. It can be uncomfortable. It can be downright nerve-wracking to take that first step towards change. But here's the thing: it pays to invest in your future. Whether it's through education, networking, or working with a coach, investing in yourself is the best thing you can do for your career, your happiness, and your overall wellbeing.

So, what are you waiting for? Take that first step towards the career you deserve. Invest just 20 minutes of your time in an initial chat with a coach. It could be the best investment you ever make. Start today. 


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Many of my clients are hard-working, productive, intelligent capable people living full lives. They are in tune with their growth and are always interested in strategies to be more purposeful, passionate, and peaceful. They use our coaching relationship as an effective, challenging, positive way to deal with life's dips, lulls, uncertainties, and energy drains.
Together we evolve juicy strategies to continue feeling worthy and alive. I partner with intelligent men who want to excel at their passions, gifts, and talents in a way that brings them success, life balance, and happiness. Let's have an initial chat to establish how I CAN SUPPORT YOU.
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