Professional Coaching Services for HR Departments and Companies

If you could...

  • Provide powerful mentoring and support for your key employees... Would you? 
  • Bring out Passion and Purpose in your employees... Would you?
  • Support your employees through transition and change... Would you?
  • Support your employees to achieve work-life balance... Would you?

What kind of a HR Director wouldn't?

My empowering work with many executives and key employees draws deeply from a synthesis of over 20 years of International corporate and entrepreneurial leadership experience aligned with thousands of hours of coaching with people from many industries. I have also seen the power and mutual benefit of putting employees first, it can be a truly formidable experience for both the employee and your company!  I specialise in coaching people towards Peace, Passion and Purpose. As a professional public speaker I am available to present an energetic and inspiring talk to your company, group, network or workshop.

I can help you customise a life and executive coaching program that fits the needs of your organisation.   

Human Resources Coaching Services

How Can I Help Your Employees?

The list below represents some the ways that I can add real value to your company and help your executives and employees move towards Passion, Purpose and Peace. 

  • HR support to help employees manage their Work / Life Balance
  • HR supported Mentoring and personal development for key employees
  • Stress Reduction and Management for employees
  • Human Resources support and coaching for employees being made Redundant
  • Support for employees career path decisions
  • Executive Coaching
  • Workshops and seminars
  • Leadership Coaching

I believe employees excel when their work is aligned with company values, purpose and passion. I particularly advocate working holistically with employees, taking into account their whole life situation as the context for tangible growth and added value. My coaching work is also complimented by working with employees in a corporate advisory capacity with specific domain expertise in the technology, media, software, film and creative industries.

How Can I We Work Together?

I can create customised coaching for your company or organisation in the following ways:

  • One-on-one coaching and mentoring for key employees
  • Group based coaching or my "Coaching Cafe" style of coaching where I show up at a regular time each week to work with whoever you deem should benefit from the work.
  • One day-a-week programmes
  • Or if you have employees in difficult situations who would benefit from external coaching, simply refer them to this website!

Please get in touch on  0330 058 8385 to discuss further.  It would be a pleasure to meet up to discuss ways that I can add value to your organisation.

  • You can learn more about me here.  
  • You can Learn more about the kinds of people I have worked with here. 
  • You can read what people have been saying about our work together here.

I partner with intelligent, successful people who want to excel at their passion, gifts and unique talents in a way that brings them success, happiness and balance. Do what you always did and you will get what you always got!


Great Life Coach Blog Articles

What is your relationship to Success and Failure? The forces of success and failure often affect our ways in the world. I offer success coaching to individuals as well as providing motivational talks ...
Does Playing the Victim Ruin Your Life? "If only... If only..." As a coach I often get to work with people in a space of deep honesty. Together we take a good look at a client's life situation and the...
I was doing some deep work with a client last week where we were exploring simplicity and the dialogue moved onto Ordinariness. I felt to share the essence of our discussion as it is a fast track to p...
From time to time I update this page with thoughts, perspectives, ideas, provocatives and inspirations. I hope you enjoy it. The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us ...
I read today that around 1 in 4 Britons will suffer from a mental health problem within a given year. There are over 22 Million people in the USA on anti-depressants. There's no wonder really given th...
Moving Forward: Navigating Ambivalence with a Life Coach As a life coach, I have worked with many clients who have found themselves in relationships that are no longer serving them. Some of them ...

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