Great Life Coach Blog Articles

Do you feel out of balance in your life? Are you living a Juicy Life? We all know the signs -- stress, ignoring priorities, always late, no time, kids growing up too fast, no creative outlets, all wor...
Many of my clients make reference to The Law of Attraction. I came across a quote from the Indian sage Osho the other day that I feel very succinctly describes the law in action. "If you cannot flower...
I sat on the sofa zoning out at a silenced TV. I was hating myself. I felt so useless. Years of university study, a great career, a new business and friends who look at me as a creative visionary… and...
Do what you always did, get what you always got. I do not have the answers and do not give advice. I do have the questions and you have all the answers. Being authentically aware of your self purpose ...
Once upon a time, in a forest filled with animals, there lived a confident hare named Speedy and a tortoise named Timid who had no confidence. Speedy would boast about his speed and agility, and Timid...
I was recently cited in the following article in the London Daily Telegraph which you may also find interesting. Why are Men less happy than Women? The social divide in the gender's response to advers...

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