UK Life Coaching

Life Coaching for Confidence

I worked with a client a few weeks back, and we were discussing strategies to be more confident in life. I caught myself saying the following statements. They appeared to strike a deep chord with my client, so I felt to share them with you. You are the most qualified person in the whole world to be YOUBeing YOU takes no effort.It takes no effort to...

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  3951 Hits

Riding the Wave: How I Can Help You Navigate Your Midlife Crisis

Life Coach support for a Midlife Crisis This article may be of interest to you if you're a man in midlife or you are married to someone in midlife or you want to learn more about this important time of change. I have noticed over the years that quite a few clients sought life coaching support to help them navigate the uncertain waters of a midlife ...

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  5638 Hits

How to go on a Spiritual Retreat

Over the past 20 years I have been on many spiritually motivated retreats. These retreats have drawn their power from various wisdom traditions like Yoga, Tantra, Meditation, Vipassana, Mindfulness, Silence, Dance, Satsang, Nature, American Indian and Psychodynamic and more. The common theme through all of them has been to connect deeper with mysel...

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  3219 Hits

2020 Cancelled? The Covid-19 Opportunity

2020 cancelled? I think not. 2020 has given everyone on the planet an opportunity to redefine their Spiritual life, their expression of Love, their path in life and their relationship to the precious Mother Earth. So, folks, let's get our house in order and make use of our seclusion to get stuck into some PROFOUND personal development, nay EVO...

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  8973 Hits

Divorce, Uncoupling and Separation

Arguments, uncertainty, fear, misunderstanding, unheard, sex-less, unromantic, where did our love go... You have probably only found your way to this page if you feel like change is needed. Consider the following two very different marriage definitions… Expansive and worth aspiring to -- Healthy relationships are not based on neediness but on the p...

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  4290 Hits

Coaching Assertiveness

Very often the subject of Assertiveness arises in a coaching relationship. We all lack assertiveness somewhere in our lives; I see both powerful people and the timid giving themSelves away. You have surrounded yourself with your current life situation because of the choices you've made in your life. As you learn more about yourself and the choices ...

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  3699 Hits

Another day in the Rat Race

I am often humbled to work as a life coach. Hearing peoples honest stories of what they put up with and all. Over the years I have learnt so much about the human condition, the traps we build for ourselves and the stories-of-smallness we convince ourselves of. I could write a book. One condition that I hear about almost on a daily basis is The Rat ...

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  4015 Hits

Living a Balanced Life

Do you feel out of balance in your life? Are you living a Juicy Life? We all know the signs -- stress, ignoring priorities, always late, no time, kids growing up too fast, no creative outlets, all work, no play, loneliness. These signs are just that, signs pointing towards getting you to do something about it. Perhaps your organisation would benefi...

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  4029 Hits

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