Life coaching on a budget

A lack of money shouldn't be the reason for you to ignore the needs of your true self and the pursuit of happiness and balance.

The life coaching profession is an exciting new arena that has only really been made possible by the prosperity that we have come to enjoy in these interesting times.  I am sure that coaching has existed for ever and a day, but it is only in the last decade that the profession has been formalised and many of us have been able to afford a personal coach to help us find happiness, balance and to attain dreams.

If in your life-situation, at this time money is non existent, very tight or you have a limited budget,  I would recommend the following course of action:

  • Try a 2-hour Mini-Intensive Session
  • Work with me on a PAYG basis. We can target sessions towards particular challenges on an as-needed basis.
  • I often work with folks on a budget and we can put together a custom program that meets your budgetary needs.  In general telecoaching is cheaper than face-to-face work. I often work with people where we meet every other week or even monthly! Let's design a program that works for you.  The most important aspect for you is that you are actually making an effort to change your life, no matter how long it takes!
  • Embark on your own determined course of personal development.  Read, research and stay committed.  If you really want something it can be yours, and there are a huge number of free resources out there to help you.  Newsletters are also a good way of keeping motivated and getting exposed to new horizons, there are plenty on the web.  Buy some personal development books to get started.
  • If you have a monthly budget and are interested in working with a coach, please get in touch and we can explore if a productive working relationship can be designed over a period of time.
  • I also recommend the Essence Foundation if you are interested in group-based personal development.
  • How much did you spend on your holiday last year?  How much is a change for a better life worth to you?
  • I am interested in working with a life coach
  • I am interested in working with a Great Life Coach
  • I am interested in a free no-obligations consultation



Let's go deeper - Blog List

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