UK Life Coaching

What should I do with my Life?

Case Study - What should I do with my life?  This case study illustrates how my life coaching can sometimes be a deep journey into the self and what it means to be alive. My coaching is always a delicate balance of spiritual discourse and movement towards real-world action. Perhaps some of the ideas I offer here can stimulate your own inquiry ...

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  6279 Hits

How to go on a Spiritual Retreat

Over the past 20 years I have been on many spiritually motivated retreats. These retreats have drawn their power from various wisdom traditions like Yoga, Tantra, Meditation, Vipassana, Mindfulness, Silence, Dance, Satsang, Nature, American Indian and Psychodynamic and more. The common theme through all of them has been to connect deeper with mysel...

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  3481 Hits

2020 Cancelled? The Covid-19 Opportunity

2020 cancelled? I think not. 2020 has given everyone on the planet an opportunity to redefine their Spiritual life, their expression of Love, their path in life and their relationship to the precious Mother Earth. So, folks, let's get our house in order and make use of our seclusion to get stuck into some PROFOUND personal development, nay EVO...

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  9618 Hits

Intuition and Intuitive Awareness

Intuitive awareness is being in touch with your True Self. Intuitive awareness is the unmoving bedrock of my life coaching work. My intuition coaching work includes: Combining life skills coaching with intuition coachingCustomised personal intuition coaching programsLife purpose awarenessIntegration of intuition and awareness into your everyday lif...

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  3208 Hits

The law of attraction

Many of my clients make reference to The Law of Attraction. I came across a quote from the Indian sage Osho the other day that I feel very succinctly describes the law in action. "If you cannot flower, existence is not going to shower flowers on you. Existence simply responds to you: whatsoever you are, existence gives you more of that. If you have...

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  3344 Hits

Life Coaching with Tantra

I have been a student of Tantra since 2005. I have worked deeply with several of the most potent teachers of our time. The wisdom tradition of Tantra informs my personal journey and my journey into deepest love with my beloved. Tantra has also become a profound backdrop to my coaching work. Its fundamental teachings appear in many of my coaching se...

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  3719 Hits

Death and Life Coaching

All experience is preceded by mind, Led by mind, Made by mind. Speak or act with a corrupted mind, And suffering follows As the wagon wheel follows the hoof of the ox. All experience is preceded by mind, Led by mind, Made by mind. Speak or act with a peaceful mind, And happiness follows Like a never-departing shadow. The Dhammapada, translated by G...

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  4598 Hits

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