What difference can a Life Coach make?

Some people ask me what difference a life coach will make. I will bring the following qualities to you...

  • I help you to strip away what you’ve been told you should want so that you can discover what it is that you actually do want. For example, many of my clients have been taught to believe that they should want success, happiness, money, or even “enlightenment,” but generally speaking, these values have been taught from the outside and have not necessarily arisen from deep within the heart at the client themselves.
  • I’m really good at helping you rediscover why you’re on the planet on your own terms.
  • For  many years I have been helping people to shift from preoccupation with thoughts and feelings to a recognition of their true nature as limitless, free, infinitely creative and resourceful. This is the foundation of everything else in your life.  When you have this access to awakening, everything else falls into place.
  • I help you to define your longing on your own terms.
  • I’m able to help you feel into the very specific blocks which prevent you from living this limitless consciousness in your day to day life. We don’t focus so much on the content of these blocks:  the stories, the beliefs, the emotional patterns, but on the actual contraction in energy itself.  It’s quick and it’s easy.
  • I will help you find the right practice to live your day to day life free of these kind of limits.
  • Every time we meet, I’ll give you a set of practices to do. This generally take just a few minutes a day and you report back on your progress so I can fine tune in with you. I have a knack to helping people to recognize their unique gift and how to bring it solidly forth into the world.
  • As the accumulation of all of the above, I help you to discover how to activate that unique gift into a life of vision and service so that you can go to sleep each night with a feeling of “Ahh, I lived today totally.”


Let's go deeper - Blog List

I worked with a client a few weeks back, and we were discussing strategies to be more confident in l...
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Arguments, uncertainty, fear, misunderstanding, unheard, sex-less, unromantic, where did our love go...
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All experience is preceded by mind, Led by mind, Made by mind. Speak or act with a corrupted mind, A...
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When we find ourselves unhappy in a relationship, it can be incredibly draining and disheartening. W...
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Introduction to Life Coaching with Great Life Coach This short video is intended to offer a flavour ...
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Has anybody noticed that things seem to be changing? It was business as usual for the last fifty yea...
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Life Coaching is fundamentally an opportunity to invest in yourSelf. The investment, discovery and e...
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I read today that around 1 in 4 Britons will suffer from a mental health problem within a given year...
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I am often humbled to work as a life coach. Hearing peoples honest stories of what they put up with ...
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Case Study - What should I do with my life?  This case study illustrates how my life coaching c...
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Has anybody noticed that things seem to be changing? It was business as usual for the last fifty yea...
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Life Coach support for a Midlife Crisis This article may be of interest to you if you're a man in mi...
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