Ways to work with Great Life Coach

Which Life Coaching Program Suits You?

I offer several ways for us to work together.

If you live, work or are visiting the London or East Hertfordshire area then consider face to face coaching.

If you live elsewher in the UK or any other country then consider telephone life coaching.

If you have an urgent challenge then I would recommend using my Intensive Life Coaching service.

If you are on a budget then do get in touch as I am sure we can cutomise aprogram that fits your budgetary constraints. 

Let's go deeper - Blog List

The Empty Nest: Embracing the Vacuum, Finding Purpose, and Calling in the Life Coach! The empty nest...
2014 hits
Lost? Stressed? Confused? Exhausted? Disconnected? Unbalanced? Powerless? Miserable? Do you make a l...
3365 hits
I read today that around 1 in 4 Britons will suffer from a mental health problem within a given year...
3910 hits
How can you be of greatest service to the greatest number of people, and in the process find the dee...
3338 hits
Do you feel out of balance in your life? Are you living a Juicy Life? We all know the signs -- stres...
4277 hits
Dating Advice for Men  Over the past 17 years I have worked with hundreds of Men. Finding a gre...
3706 hits
Introduction to Life Coaching with Great Life Coach This short video is intended to offer a flavour ...
4053 hits
Moving Forward: Navigating Ambivalence with a Life Coach As a life coach, I often encounter cli...
2158 hits
The big city can be a very exciting place to manifest, to create and give our gift to the world… How...
4012 hits
I am often humbled to work as a life coach. Hearing peoples honest stories of what they put up with ...
4248 hits
I was doing some deep work with a client last week where we were exploring simplicity and the dialog...
3270 hits
When we find ourselves unhappy in a relationship, it can be incredibly draining and disheartening. W...
1136 hits

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