UK Life Coaching

Coaching Assertiveness

Very often the subject of Assertiveness arises in a coaching relationship. We all lack assertiveness somewhere in our lives; I see both powerful people and the timid giving themSelves away. You have surrounded yourself with your current life situation because of the choices you've made in your life. As you learn more about yourself and the choices ...

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  3864 Hits

Inspiration - Rose

From time to time I update this page with thoughts, perspectives, ideas, provocatives and inspirations. I hope you enjoy it. The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn't already know. I stood up to look around, when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned around to find wrinkled, li...

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  3853 Hits

Entrepreneur Coaching Extraordinaire

My empowering work with entrepreneurs draws deeply from over 30 years of International entrepreneurial experience. My entrepreneur coaching makes use of powerful coaching techniques set against a backdrop of my own varied business and entrepreneurial experiences. Over the years I have worked with hundreds of people and many of them are either seaso...

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  3798 Hits

Embrace your Vulnerability and your Power

I sat on the sofa zoning out at a silenced TV. I was hating myself. I felt so useless. Years of university study, a great career, a new business and friends who look at me as a creative visionary… and downstairs my wife and children utterly dependent on me to provide a home, food and security. Dependent on me also to be the shining light to lead th...

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  3744 Hits

20 Years Life Coaching Experience

Hey there friends and clients! Can you believe it? Your favourite life coach, Great Life Coach, is turning 20 years old! That's right, I've been helping people all over the world live their best lives for 20 whole years. When I first started out back in 2003, life coaching was a new concept and people had no idea what it was. I remember setting up ...

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  3699 Hits

Dating tips for Men - Who else wants a Girlfriend?

Dating Advice for Men  Over the past 17 years I have worked with hundreds of Men. Finding a great woman, girlfriend or life partner is frequently territory that we work on in the coaching space. My approach when working with men centres on authenticity, honesty and being grounded as a man. Learning to trust your self. Inhabiting your heart-cen...

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  3671 Hits

Case Study - Mother Returns to Work and a Broken Marriage

Alison, a young mother, first got in touch to explore ways that she could bring more balance to her life. She had a 2yr old and was living with her husband of five years. Motherhood was a challenging experience for her, and she felt imprisoned. Her initial coaching focus was on balance and health. How could she make time to recover her body, get fi...

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  3664 Hits

Self employed and overwhelmed

Self Employed and being eaten alive by your company? The gift that is you Several years ago, the mission seed in your spirit that drives what you have to give to the world, started to power a creative fountain. At that time, driven by apparent opportunities, choice or necessity and without really thinking about it you started a company. Your baby. ...

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  3630 Hits

Free Self-Help Life Coaching Worksheet - 60 Minutes to a New You

I am pleased to offer this simple personal development resource for freeeee! Are you unhappy, but not sure exactly why? Why not invest up to an hour of your time to explore the underlying reasons for your unhappiness. Give this worksheet a try... It comprises of a simple series of questions that go right to the heart of the matter. Are you feeling ...

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  3490 Hits

Inspiration - Slow Dance

From time to time I update this page with thoughts, perspectives, ideas, provocatives and inspirations. This month a poem. I hope you enjoy it. SLOW DANCE Have you ever watched kids On a merry-go-round? Or listened to the rain Slapping on the ground? Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight? Or gazed at the sun into the fading night? You better s...

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  3471 Hits

Does being a victim help you?

Does Playing the Victim Ruin Your Life? "If only... If only..." As a coach I often get to work with people in a space of deep honesty. Together we take a good look at a client's life situation and their relationship to that situation. We gain insights into their truest feelings (not the roles that veneer the feelings). We then go on to reveal the b...

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  3456 Hits

Invest Deeply in Yourself

Life Coaching is fundamentally an opportunity to invest in yourSelf. The investment, discovery and effort that you make today can change your life for the better, forever. Investing in your life in the now is the only opportunity you will ever have to make tangible changes for the better. If you change nothing, nothing will change. Coaching is not ...

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  3417 Hits

Summer Holiday Career Change

"...sacrifice your health in order to make money. Then you sacrifice money to recuperate your health. Then you are so anxious about the future that you don't enjoy the present: the result being that you do not live in the present or the future; you live as if you are never going to die, and then you die having never really lived."  by Dalai La...

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  3395 Hits

The law of attraction

Many of my clients make reference to The Law of Attraction. I came across a quote from the Indian sage Osho the other day that I feel very succinctly describes the law in action. "If you cannot flower, existence is not going to shower flowers on you. Existence simply responds to you: whatsoever you are, existence gives you more of that. If you have...

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  3344 Hits

Overcoming Stress and Overwhelm

Lost? Stressed? Confused? Exhausted? Disconnected? Unbalanced? Powerless? Miserable? Do you make a living or do you make a dying? In response to the growing number of clients that I see manifesting a very modern condition of stress and overwhelm in their lives, I have cobbled together the following commentary. Forgive me for providing an intellectu...

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  3327 Hits

Being of Greatest Service

How can you be of greatest service to the greatest number of people, and in the process find the deepest wellspring of fulfilment within yourself. by Arjuna I have been exploring ways to bring profound teachings to more people. I came across this quote today that inspired me to dig a little deeper and explore new ways of being in the world. I am lo...

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  3304 Hits

Things seem to be changing

Has anybody noticed that things seem to be changing? It was business as usual for the last fifty years or so, but the current system is clearly fracturing. Things started to go off the rails in 2008 and since then world leaders have been scrambling to find solutions. People entrenched in the control structures of the old-way are grasping at solutio...

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  3265 Hits

Being Ordinary

I was doing some deep work with a client last week where we were exploring simplicity and the dialogue moved onto Ordinariness. I felt to share the essence of our discussion as it is a fast track to peace. Is it okay to be an ordinary person? Being ordinary, being really comfortable being ordinary? Ordinariness where there isn't anything that has t...

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  3235 Hits

The New Era

Has anybody noticed that things seem to be changing? It was business as usual for the last fifty years or so, but the current system is clearly fracturing. Things started to go off the rails in 2008 and since then world leaders have been scrambling to find solutions. People entrenched in the control structures of the old-way are grasping at solutio...

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  3232 Hits

Stress and Overwhelm

All experience is preceded by mind, Led by mind, Made by mind. Speak or act with a corrupted mind, And suffering follows As the wagon wheel follows the hoof of the ox. All experience is preceded by mind, Led by mind, Made by mind. Speak or act with a peaceful mind, And happiness follows Like a never-departing shadow. The Dhammapada, translated by G...

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  3214 Hits

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