Experienced Life Coach

Experienced Life Coach - 20 Years in full-time Practice

experienced life coachEnsure your lifecoach is experienced.  I have been mentoring and coaching people as a career since 2001.  At this time I would describe myself (and my clients would say!) that I am a very experienced life coach who has worked with many people in many situations.  I also coach Life Coaches!  Allow my experience to help you make changes to your life situation, today! 

How do I find a life coach?  How do I know which life coach to work with?

In a word resonance. Listen to your body telling you that "I could work with this person" or "this person gives me the creeps"... and make your choice accordingly!  You may find the following information will tell you that you are in safe hands!

I am not a conventional life coach offering ready-made classroom solutions. Take a look at My Background, where I have shared some peak achievements and underpinning attitudes.  I am not a Doctor, do you need a doctor? If you have explored my website this far, then you are probably very interested in the opportunity of engaging with a life coach.

You may well be trying to ascertain if I am the right coach for you, and rightly, you would be considering my background, life experience, and coaching experiences to make that decision. You may also be interested in what other clients have had to say.  Hopefully, you now have enough resonance with the information published on this website to make an initial contact! I have found that what really matters is an initial face-to-face discussion about your needs (no surprise really).  Only then can you really ascertain if I am the right coach, and only then can I start to ascertain if I can help you on your journey?  Let's meet to discuss!

Some more background and my very unique aptitude for life coaching

I have led a very eclectic life, traveled widely, lived in several countries, achieved a great deal, lost a great deal, learned a great deal, loved a great deal, and been exposed to an extraordinary number of professional disciplines at some depth.  I have interviewed (with a view to employing them) thousands of people; gaining a great deal of insight into what makes people tick.

As a life coach, I use many tools, exercises, and disciplines to help my clients learn who they really are.  I too have used these methods to chart my own life of success, fulfillment, and balance. One interesting personal analysis that I would like to share relates to coaching, I have ascertained that my fortified signature strengths are as follows:

  • Perspective (wisdom) - My friends value my perspective on matters and turn to me for advice. I have a way of looking at the world that makes sense to others and to myself.
  • Creativity, ingenuity, and originality - Thinking of new ways to do things is a crucial part of who I am. I am never content with doing something the conventional way if a better way is possible.
  • Curiosity and interest in the world - I am curious about everything. I am always asking questions, and I find all subjects and topics fascinating. I like exploration and discovery.
  • Capacity to love and be loved - I value close relations with others, in particular, those in which sharing and caring are reciprocated. The people to whom I feel most close are the same people who feel most close to me.
  • Humour and playfulness - I like to laugh and tease. Bringing smiles to other people is important to me. I try to see the light side of all situations.

Why am I a Life Coach?

I have done the money-centric successful entrepreneur path and it was time to get people focused. I love people. I was drawn to life coaching initially because friends told me that I was already doing it!  .. and that I was good at it.  Helping others with insightful, warm, and intelligent words.

Delving deeper I realized that my coaching talents evolved from the confluence of two life journeys, being both a dynamic entrepreneur as well as a highly attuned Intuitive. I draw on both of these sources when working with my coaching clients and people tell me that I am highly effective. Helping other people is my gift to the world, and I enjoy my work.  If I can influence one person to change their outlook on life for the better -- I know they too will influence their loved ones, families, workmates, friends, and people in the street. A cascade approach to making life worth living!  I am also a qualified yoga instructor.

Life coach accreditation

The methods, processes and techniques that I use are the heritage of direct experience with thousands of clients rather than scholarship; they have evolved from live coaching rather than university study. I have synthesized a dynamic coaching style from many sources, teachings and wisdom traditions -- not a weekend training.

You could become a life coach for a hundred bucks! But the truth is you need to be made of the right stuff to be a life coach. YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE THE KINDS OF CLIENT CHALLENGES I HAVE SEEN OVER THE PAST 20 YEARS!

So far I have not sought "training" or accreditation from an outside coaching organisation. There is no official professional body for life coaching, but plenty that will quickly take your money. Those that purport to be, are in fact great money-making businesses! -- performing the function of training people up to be coaches and bandying around logos so that people feel better about themselves. I believe that the ability to coach people on the subject of life skills is an innate ability, not a taught one. I have been on a rich personal journey of personal and spiritual growth, healing and development over the past ten years.

I have studied dozens of pre-eminent texts in the field of life coaching, personal development, spiritual transformation and human potential. I walk my talk. Most of the material that I use with my coaching clients comes from a synthesis of all that I have learned over the years from various paths, methodologies and wisdom traditions.  In addition, I have had a rich life in the real world of business, entrepreneurship, and action. I have had successes and failures. This is not the kind of coach training that you can pick up over a weekend.

My coaching style is always evolving and I have been keen to create my own diverse collection of worksheets, tools, meditations and methods for use with my clients.  Everybody is different, and my coaching methods are adaptable to those differences. I may not be the right kind of coach for you, a coach who has done a course might be more your thing! If you need a "certificate" or accreditation, then there are dozens of coaches who have them, please contact them! If you are interested in experiencing an utterly unique style, then get in touch. In your search for a lifecoach, you will have noticed many organizations offering to train you to become a life coach. You pay them money, and a few weeks later you are an accredited life-coach!  Buyer beware!

At this time I prefer to listen to my clients for accreditation... only they can really tell me if I am doing a great job. I would be interested in hearing from you if you would have considered working with me if I was accredited by one of the many accreditation businesses, let me know your thoughts!

The Kings Speech

The King's Speech is a powerful film that highlights the importance of finding the right mentor, guide, coach, or helper in life. The central character, King George VI, is struggling with a speech impediment that is threatening his ability to lead his country. In a time of great need, he turns to an unconventional expert for help: a lone-wolf, wise man who has developed his own methods and wisdom for teaching.

The character of Lionel Logue is a shining example of the power of the lone-wolf expert. Despite not being academically or formally trained, he possesses a unique set of skills, knowledge, and experience that allows him to help others in a way that traditional experts cannot. He is a master of his craft, having spent years perfecting his techniques and honing his intuition. He approaches his work with a sense of passion and purpose that is unmatched by those who have simply followed a textbook or a set of rules.

Lionel's approach to helping King George VI is a testament to the power of individualism and the importance of embracing one's own unique path. Rather than simply reciting a set of facts or adhering to a pre-determined method, he engages the King in a conversation and gets to the root of his problem. He uses his intuition and wisdom to tailor his approach to the King's individual needs and personality.

In a world that often values conformity and academic credentials, Lionel Logue's character serves as a reminder of the importance of embracing our own unique skills and abilities. Whether we are seeking help in our personal lives or looking to make a difference in the world, we should never be afraid to seek out the help of a wise expert who has taken their own path and developed their own methods. These individuals can provide us with the guidance, mentorship, and support we need to succeed and grow.

The King's Speech highlights the virtues of lone-wolf wise experts as exceptional guides, mentors, coaches, and helpers. These individuals bring a unique set of skills, knowledge, and experience to the table that can help us overcome our challenges and achieve our goals. Whether we are struggling with a personal issue or seeking to make a positive impact in the world, we should always be open to the guidance of these exceptional individuals.

Premium Life Coaching?

Are the free YouTube videos not working?  If you could do it on your own, you would have! Maybe I am your messenger. Most people can't handle what they need to hear, they'd rather bury their heads in the sand. That's what an investment in great life coaching does for you, it creates your opening to hear your Truth. The truth is often uncomfortable.

You truly want to change? You've got to get in touch with your Truth. The coaching investment creates receptivity and keeps you there. Ask for help, receive my help and take responsibility.

My Life coaching capabilities are utterly unique.  My coaching style is not tempered by an out-of-the-box, one-size-fits-all hobby-farmer approach.  I design custom programs for each of my clients.  I am experienced and have worked with many people with many different life challenges. My work is very effective. I coach face-to-face.  I coach you at a location of your choice.  I am very flexible.  No demanding binding contracts.  I blend entrepreneurship, yoga-philosophies, meditation, empowerment techniques, laughter, listening, a razor-sharp mind and love in my work. If you are serious about changing your life for the better... why give yourself anything less?

 A few more perspectives on the Life Coaching Profession (Buyer beware)

Life coaching is a profession that bridges the old and the new story, in that it represents the extreme of the old -- the monetization of friendship, the commercialization of wisdom -- even as, through the breakdown of that model, it invites in the new. I believe the core of coaching is to bring people to truth. Charles Eisenstein

I revel in transparency, it is the only "free" way in life. My journey as a life coach has been driven from a deep place. Quite simply I am here on earth to support and inspire people to find their truth and to be authentic. Relatively speaking I live quite humbly.

But buyer beware there are many coaches out there who have done a weekend diploma and are now ready to fix your life. People who are thinking of being coaches may find the following facebook (25/4/16) post by J.Gros of interest...

My profession is broken… Less than 10% of people who go through life coach training as a coach will ever make coaching a legitimate career. That’s over 90% fail rate.
Guess who makes the most money in the business? 
Take a good guess… (I’ll put a couple of spaces before the answer)
People who run coaching schools. 
People who are selling the dream to newbies. 
Dreams are an easy sell. Just ask anyone who as ever raised venture capital money. 
Round one is usually easier, because you are just selling the dream.
Everyone I personally know who is a successful coach, started out coaching people to have fabulous lives and ended up coaching coaches, multilevel marketing sales people, or wannabe real estate mavens. (All an easy sell, with very low barriers to entry, big dreams and extremely low success rates)
Because that’s where the money is: Coaching schools, Master mind groups for coaches, Sales training, Conscious Sales Training, marketing training for coaches, branding classes for coaches and healers, and … well you get the point.
One study showed that a very high percentage of all money made in the business is made by coaches coaching coaches, who coach coaches, who coach coaches and all of the training in between. It’s basically a big cannibalistic, incestuous, pyramid scheme that feeds on itself to stay alive.
One of the more successful coaches I know; has been on Oprah, has New York Times best selling books, etc… Made most of her money through her coaching school, selling the dream. (This is verified in a New York Times article.) And yet, if you scroll through a list of certified coaches, you see a wasteland of abandoned websites and abandoned coaching careers.
Why am I writing this? 
I have been observing this trend over the last couple years, and it’s been really bothering me. I have been watching an entire industry selling a dream and a lifestyle that most of the instructors can’t achieve themselves!
Today I hit the limit of my conscience.
While I was in a coaching program for coaches, a meek, hesitant young man stood up and shared that his dream was to make $100,000 a year as a coach. The room clapped. Then he shared again that he actually was holding back. The real number was $700,000. The charismatic, charming leader looked at him and said; “Say that again and own it.” Again more claps for an impossible dream… One that this seasoned, extremely well trained coach has never even come close to! I almost walked out of the room. *Except for the fact that I was there as a presenter myself. And so, there I sat, waiting for my turn, while my mind repeated over and over, “get me out of here.”
Another financially successful coach I know describes himself on the back of his book as “One of the most exclusive, top tier, best in business bla bla bla… coaches” That wasn’t true when he wrote the book and it’s still not true. He’s doing well, but nothing like the description.
In my first book, Your Wild & Precious Life, the back cover describes me as a “World-class life coach.” I didn’t write that line. It was added by one of my editors. BUT… I didn’t delete it either. Yes, I worked with some high level, well known people who are world-class in their fields, but does that make me a world-class coach?? The short answer is NO.
That one line has bothered me for years since the book has been out. (Alex is leaning over my shoulder as I write this… “Take this part out,” she’s saying. “World-class” is up for interpretation.”) It’s not up for interpretation. If I’m a world-class skier, I’m in a very tiny group of people, probably helicopter skiing in Alaska on super vertical runs. I know this, because, one of my clients is TRULY a world-class skier. I’m more like a coach who knows how to go down black diamonds.
I know a coach who talks about his 7-figure income often. I happen to know for a fact, he’s never had one. My friend lives four doors down from his modest home.
So… it appears that many people in the business are exaggerating or just flat out lying, all under the pretense of “fake it till you make it.” It also appears that most of the money is made not actually coaching people out in the world, but rather selling a dream and coaching coaches on chasing a dream that has a very low success rate.
BUT… when I think about leading a coaching program for coaches, part of my body goes numb. I imagine standing on a stage looking out at a room full of hopeful faces, doing my best to get them excited about their bright futures, when I know damn well only about 5-10% will actually be able to turn what I have taught them into a career. That feels really shitty. *I imagine this is how I would have felt if I was a mortgage broker in the early 2000’s selling people homes they couldn’t afford, watching their smiling faces as they left my office… and knowing all while, most of them would probably loose them when the ARM on their loan came up. Unless of course, I was so intoxicated with the easy money that I didn’t even care what happened to my customers.

Have a gorgeous day dancing in the miracle of life won't you x

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