How many clients do you work with?

I work with a few select private clients at any time. The process is extremely deep, and suitable for clients willing to question their values and beliefs in a fundamental way, and to reboot their lives. The process is extremely client-centered, which means that you define the objectives, you recognize the obstacles and you also discover the most fun and easy ways to get there. My job as your coach is to ask the right questions, and to point you to the practices that will serve you.

Let's go deeper - Blog List

Very often the subject of Assertiveness arises in a coaching relationship. We all lack assertiveness...
3920 hits
From time to time I update this page with thoughts, perspectives, ideas, provocatives and inspiratio...
3502 hits
All experience is preceded by mind, Led by mind, Made by mind. Speak or act with a corrupted mind, A...
4642 hits
Introduction to Life Coaching with Great Life Coach This short video is intended to offer a flavour ...
4058 hits
Intuitive awareness is being in touch with your True Self. Intuitive awareness is the unmoving bedro...
3244 hits
Life Coaching is fundamentally an opportunity to invest in yourSelf. The investment, discovery and e...
3455 hits
I read today that around 1 in 4 Britons will suffer from a mental health problem within a given year...
3914 hits
Dating Advice for Men  Over the past 17 years I have worked with hundreds of Men. Finding a gre...
3712 hits
Moving Forward: Navigating Ambivalence with a Life Coach As a life coach, I have worked with ma...
1228 hits
Lost? Stressed? Confused? Exhausted? Disconnected? Unbalanced? Powerless? Miserable? Do you make a l...
3366 hits
Dating Advice for Women   "Where have all the Men gone? I am a 35 year old Woman. For as long a...
3169 hits
Moving Forward: Navigating Ambivalence with a Life Coach As a life coach, I often encounter cli...
2161 hits

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