What teachers have influenced your journey?

What teachers have influenced your journey?

In my journey as a life coach, I have been fortunate enough to draw inspiration and wisdom from a number of great teachers and thought leaders. These individuals have helped shape my teachings and guide my clients on their own paths to personal growth and fulfillment.

Mooji has been a beacon in guiding me back to the absolute. His words of wisdom have encouraged me to find stillness and connect with my inner self. One of my favorite Mooji quotes is, "Silence is the language of God."

David Deida's teachings on men's work and women's work have been a valuable addition to my coaching philosophy. He has helped me understand the importance of embracing one's gender and living in harmony with others. Deida's insights into the journey of true intimacy have encouraged me to be present and conscious in my relationships. One of my favorite Deida quotes is, "The journey to true intimacy is the journey to one's own soul."

The teachings of Eckhart Tolle have tantalized me with the possibility of spiritual presence. His philosophy on living in the present moment has had a profound impact on my own life and my approach to coaching others. One of my favorite Tolle quotes is, "The power for creating a better future is contained in the present moment."

Sally Kempton's teachings on myth, archetype, and meditation have been invaluable resources for me in my work as a life coach. Her guidance has helped me understand the power of storytelling and how it can be used as a tool for personal growth and transformation. Kempton's teachings have encouraged me to tap into the collective unconscious and to embrace the archetypes within myself and my clients. One of my favorite Kempton quotes is, "The journey to self-discovery is the journey to the myths within us."

Ramana Maharishi's words have pointed me toward the truth. His teachings have encouraged me to see beyond appearances and to connect with the divine within. One of my favorite quotes from Maharishi is, "The self is not found outside, but within."

Andrew Harvey's teachings on profound tantra philosophy have been an invaluable resource in my work as a life coach. His insights into the interconnectedness of the universe have helped me help my clients find their own path to enlightenment. One of my favorite Harvey quotes is, "The journey to the divine is a journey of passion and fire."

Ma Anand Sarita's expertise in applied tantra practice and magic has been a valuable addition to my teachings. Her guidance has helped me to incorporate practical spirituality into my coaching sessions and encourage my clients to take action in their lives. One of my favorite quotes from Sarita is, "The journey to transformation is a journey of surrender."

The Essence Foundation's teachings have inspired me to explore the depths of my own spirituality. Their guidance has encouraged me to tap into my inner wisdom and to live a life of purpose and meaning.

Esther Hicks' teachings on embracing flow have been a key aspect of my coaching philosophy. Her insights into the power of positive thought and the law of attraction have helped me to guide my clients toward a life of abundance and happiness. One of my favorite Hicks quotes is, "The journey to abundance is a journey of joy."

Neil Donald Walsh's simple yet powerful words have helped me access the truth of life. His teachings have encouraged me to live in the present moment and to connect with my inner self. One of my favorite Walsh quotes is, "The journey to wisdom is a journey of simplicity."

Robert Augustus Masters' teachings on men's work have been a transformative experience for me. His guidance has helped me explore my own masculinity and to live a life of authenticity and purpose. One of my favorite Master's quotes is, "The journey to true masculinity is the journey to one's own heart."

Michael Neil's teachings on life coaching processes have been instrumental in shaping my approach to coaching. His insights into the importance of setting clear goals and taking action have encouraged me to be mindful and intentional in my life. One of my favorite Neil quotes is, "The journey to success is the journey to one's own heart."

Finally, Robert Bly's teachings on men's work have been a transformative experience for me. His guidance has encouraged me to explore my own masculinity and to live a life of authenticity and purpose. Bly's insights into the importance of embracing one's emotions and connecting with others have helped me to be present and conscious in my relationships. One of my favorite Bly quotes is, "The journey to true masculinity is the journey to one's own heart."

These teachers and their teachings have been a great source of inspiration and guidance for me as a life coach. Their words of wisdom and unique perspectives have helped shape my approach to coaching and have encouraged me to be a better person and coach. Perhaps my greatest teachers though, HAVE BEEN MY THOUSANDS OF CLIENTS!

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