Great Life Coaching - What people say...

photo by dawnzy58Life coaching is effective for well-functioning, outwardly successful (perhaps inwardly empty) men and women, partnered or single, aged 20 - 77 who are ready and willing to change their lives.

I have worked with hundreds of people over the years and it is always a joy to see them blossom. Sometimes the effect of our work is simple and other times it is profound.  Every relationship is unique both in scope, complexity and depth.  The following quotes are a small selection of references and feedback from various great life coach clients...

What clients have said about our work together



"Since our meeting of Friday I have been feeling good, there has been a positive release within me.  I have been embracing my relationship/encounters with friends and family in these past days with such enthusiam.  It's startling!   I can feel a constant smile on my lips.  I'm really feeling the James Brown "Good". Don't laugh at my way of expression, but that is what I'm experiencing/experienced in the UK. Strangely I feel like I have you sitting on my shoulder whispering repeatedly "What do you value?" You have made me realise that I value a hell of lot, more than what I wrote down on Friday.  I THANK YOU for this!!" Executive, Italy.

"Thank you for all your hard work, patience and love" Restaurant Manager, Buckinghamshire

"Lee is a first-rate coach and has been instrumental in helping me set out on a new career path. He is an excellent listener and communicator and through his own techniques and methodologies understands very well how to achieve results that suit his client. I value the coaching work we did together very much and would absolutely recommend Lee to anyone who feels somewhat overwhelmed by their situation and needs some expert support. Have been singing your praises, so there may well be referrals to come next year." MBA Entrepreneur, SW London

"Thank you for all your guidance and refreshment this year" Small Business Owner, Stevenage

"When I started working with Lee I was feeling directionless and disappointed with my life. I was confused about what path to take and what career would fulfill me. Our work has been challenging, inspiring, at times frustrating but without a doubt, transformational. I finally have a sense of direction and for the first time in forever, I feel excited about my future and all the possibilities waiting for me. With Lee's help I am beginning to find the confidence to create myself an exciting new reality... and you know, I really feel I might even be able to achieve amazing things! I am by no means rich but I can assure anybody considering lifecoaching that the impact on your life is frankly, priceless. Lee is sensitive, intuitive, calming and extremely easy to work with, whilst remaining challenging, focussed and ensuring that you continue to move forward. I particularly value his ability to to shift effortlessly between being practical, business minded, and entrepenurial whilst also bringing a sense of spriritual awareness and knowledge to our work." Artistic Entrepreneur, Bucks.

"Lee provided me with just the right balance of insight and practical tools to enable me to get on track to living the life I really want to live. His style is both gentle and straightforward and he utilizes great metaphors to make his points. I found working with him very effective and would highly recommend it." Artist, Islington

"Since our meeting of Friday I have been feeling good, there has been a positive release within me.  I have been embracing my relationship/encounters with friends and family in these past days with such enthusiam.  It's startling!   I can feel a constant smile on my lips.  I'm really feeling the James Brown "Good". Don't laugh at my way of expression, but that is what I'm experiencing/experienced in the UK. Strangely I feel like I have you sitting on my shoulder whispering repeatedly "What do you value?" You have made me realise that I value a hell of lot, more than what I wrote down on Friday.  I THANK YOU for this!!" Executive, Italy.

"Lee, I don’t know if you remember “the busy executive” story that you wondered if I was telling myself ? Well I just wanted to let you know that today is my final day with that fortune 100! In September I will take up a place at a major London University to train to become a Physics teacher. So the seeds we sowed did eventually germinate! Thank you Lee for the work we did together and for the special role you played in my on-going personal journey. All the very best." Fortune100 Senior Executive, London

"Through my sessions with Lee I feel that the blinkers have been taken off, I fully understand myself, habits and excuses that were holding me back from achieving my full potential. After our sessions I feel a wave of relief that my fears have been lifted and a huge sense of excitement and energy looking into my life knowing that I am equipped to not only deal with but truly enjoy anything that comes my way." Hotel Industry Entrepreneur, Clapham

"You will be impressed that I've kept up yoga! But I don't think that u will impressed that I have decided to terminate our sessions. Purely financial reasons. And I've really had a kick up the ass in a way that I'm so dead sure I won't go back to my ways. I'm extremely focused atm. And not having money will only put pressures on me I don't want. I hope u can kind of understand. I'd like to leave the door open if ever I wanted to start again. And appreciate what confidence in myself youve given me to be a better person." Investment Banker and Cocaine Addict, City.

"I found working with Lee to be a very rewarding and enriching experience. He really got me out of my comfort zone in many ways. The outcome was everything I had hoped and more, and it all came from inside me. I would definitely recommend working with him." Marketing Account Manager, Shoreditch.

"Thank you so much for all our sessions which has helped me prise open my mind and see that there's creativity alive in me." Solicitor Administrator, EC1 
"This has been a reaffirming process for me which has given me the confidence to make the decisions and changes I need to make to better align my life with my values and aspirations." Estate Agent Partner, Herts.  
"When we first met I seemed to have lost the direction in life and didn't know which way to take. I felt useless and dull. Lee showed me how to find out what really matters to ME and we gave my life a new direction. Yes I can!" Mum returning to work, West London  
"Thank You! Our last session was so personalised for me, I really appreciate it. I am so inspired to change" Actress, Herts. 

"Working with Lee is an amazing experience for me. The work creates a space to explore myself that I couldn't create with my friends or my family. As an entrepreneur I was often totally stressed out, with the help of Lee's coaching I now deal with the same challenges relaxed and at ease. Further, I got a clearer sense of purpose, my relationships improved and my life has a new depth that made me realise I have only been living at the surface of my potential before. I am thrilled to continue this journey." 26yo, Chelsea  
"Thank you for doing what 3 years of analysis and 30 years of how-to books failed to achieve. You truly are a gifted life coach, thank you for doing what you do." Property Investment Millionaire, Hampstead  

"I engaged Lee initially to tackle a specific matter, but quickly our work together moved into many other aspects of my life, surprising me at how much more there can be to what I thought was an already happy life. Lee has challenged me, our sessions have been inspiring and fun, and I have really got a lot out of the life coaching by committing to action between our sessions. Its actually tough when life is already busy, but has been very worthwhile, with lots more to come..." CFO, Marylebone 

"Thanks again. Really enjoyed today's session and value your support and guidance" Writer, SE London 
"I first started working with Lee to address a general lack of purpose and direction in my life, particularly focussing on my career and relationship. Our work together has given me a fresh perspective and helped to kick-start some long overdue changes as well as learning a great deal about myself and my ability to achieve the things that I want out of life. This work has been the first step in an already exciting journey of self development." Investment Banker, Clapham 
"It's amazing, it's like having a massage from the inside-out." Secondary School Headmaster, Ealing 
"Hope I haven't been a difficult client...  As I said I do feel as though I've gained something from our work together, perhaps just not what I was expecting!" Marketing Agency VP, Notting Hill 
"Thank you lee for a very thought provoking and illuminating session." Pensioner, Oxford.

"I would like to thank you for our work together as it really has helped me put things into perspective - despite the "blip" in the middle when I thought I was going nowhere.  I feel positive about my "new life".

"It helped me focus on what key issues are really important to me - some which I had not given enough thought to in the past.  This enabled me to consider what changes I could make which would really make a difference to my outlook on life rather than continue to 'plod along' as I had been doing in the past." Accountant, Maidstone

"Lee is passionate to help you to achieve your aims.  His methods are intelligent, challenging, innovative, fun and subtle. If you are prepared to change for the better in any way, be brave and contact him" Accountancy Professional, Kent

"Thanks for getting me through a huge blockage and helping me arrive at a place I had such difficulty getting to." Management Consultant, Reading 

"Thank you for your wisdom and assistance in helping me to find my way..." Banking Executive, City 
"You are wonderful!" Lawyer, City of London

"When I first started working with Lee I had completely lost my way in life, I felt as if I had nothing to offer. Lee has shown me what I have to offer the world and once again to start feeling good about who I am. The most powerful thing Lee has given me is the ability to say who I am and what I stand for, a great feeling!" Telco Chief Accountant, Sudbury 

"I have taken the real plunge! I have packed up my business and am at college studying ceramics in a 3 year BA … anyway, it feels great to be doing something I have always yearned to do. I have managed to turn myself around." Graphic Designer, SE London 

"Lee's total commitment to my growth has ensured I have found the answers to my deepest questions. He approaches his work with love, enthusiasm and bucket loads of wisdom" Life Coach, Brighton 

"My coaching experience took me on a three month journey which helped me take control of my life to get out of a self-destructive rut.  I am now living a brighter, more hopeful, more fulfilling life." Global Publisher Group Accountant, Wimbledon 

"I really did need your guidance desperately. I feel a lot better about myself now, a lot more positive about life, even after just a few sessions, so thank you!!" Personal Assistant, Holborn

"Thank you for sharing your wisdom with me. It is bringing unbelievable peace in me.  Smiles forever" 23yo, Fulham 
"Fifty something - think you're past it - don’t believe it. My series of fun sessions with Lee, culminated in me getting out my 'comfort zone' and becoming invincible. Prepare to visualize and you will be surprised at how you can make your world happen. Remember “Nothing will work unless you do”. Thanks Lee – recommendations of the highest order”. Business Owner, Banbury 
"Really enjoyed the session, I can see we'll be a fertile combination. Good stuff and thanks very much." Derivatives Trader, Cambridge 

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Introduction to Great Life Coaching

Introduction to Life Coaching Video

Great Life Coach Blog Articles

How to be more passionate in Life Over the past fifteen years I have continued to evolve and hone my life coaching methodologies. Around ten years ago I realised that the underlying themes of many of ...
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Case Study - What should I do with my life?  This case study illustrates how my life coaching can sometimes be a deep journey into the self and what it means to be alive. My coaching is always a ...

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