WOW Even More Client References

"Lee provided me with just the right balance of insight and practical tools to enable me to get on track to living the life I really want to live. His style is both gentle and straightforward and he utilizes great metaphors to make his points. I found working with him very effective and would highly recommend it." Artist, Islington

"Since our meeting of Friday I have been feeling good, there has been a positive release within me.  I have been embracing my relationship/encounters with friends and family in these past days with such enthusiam.  It's startling!   I can feel a constant smile on my lips.  I'm really feeling the James Brown "Good". Don't laugh at my way of expression, but that is what I'm experiencing/experienced in the UK. Strangely I feel like I have you sitting on my shoulder whispering repeatedly "What do you value?" You have made me realise that I value a hell of lot, more than what I wrote down on Friday.  I THANK YOU for this!!" Executive, Italy.

"Lee, I don’t know if you remember “the busy executive” story that you wondered if I was telling myself ? Well I just wanted to let you know that today is my final day with that fortune 100! In September I will take up a place at a major London University to train to become a Physics teacher. So the seeds we sowed did eventually germinate! Thank you Lee for the work we did together and for the special role you played in my on-going personal journey. All the very best." Fortune100 Senior Executive, London

"Through my sessions with Lee I feel that the blinkers have been taken off, I fully understand myself, habits and excuses that were holding me back from achieving my full potential. After our sessions I feel a wave of relief that my fears have been lifted and a huge sense of excitement and energy looking into my life knowing that I am equipped to not only deal with but truly enjoy anything that comes my way." Hotel Industry Entrepreneur, Clapham

"You will be impressed that I've kept up yoga! But I don't think that u will impressed that I have decided to terminate our sessions. Purely financial reasons. And I've really had a kick up the ass in a way that I'm so dead sure I won't go back to my ways. I'm extremely focused atm. And not having money will only put pressures on me I don't want. I hope u can kind of understand. I'd like to leave the door open if ever I wanted to start again. And appreciate what confidence in myself youve given me to be a better person." Investment Banker and Cocaine Addict, City.

"I found working with Lee to be a very rewarding and enriching experience. He really got me out of my comfort zone in many ways. The outcome was everything I had hoped and more, and it all came from inside me. I would definitely recommend working with him." Marketing Account Manager, Shoreditch.

Introduction to Great Life Coaching

Introduction to Life Coaching Video

Great Life Coach Blog Articles

I worked with a client a few weeks back, and we were discussing strategies to be more confident in life. I caught myself saying the following statements. They appeared to strike a deep chord with my c...
When we find ourselves unhappy in a relationship, it can be incredibly draining and disheartening. We might feel like we're constantly expending energy trying to make things work, but nothing seems to...
Feeling stuck in life is a common phenomenon that affects many individuals. It can present itself through a variety of symptoms, including a lack of motivation, difficulty making decisions, feelings o...
The big city can be a very exciting place to manifest, to create and give our gift to the world… However for many who are socially conditioned, parentally conditioned, educationally de-natured and the...
Do you feel out of balance in your life? Are you living a Juicy Life? We all know the signs -- stress, ignoring priorities, always late, no time, kids growing up too fast, no creative outlets, all wor...
Introduction to Life Coaching with Great Life Coach This short video is intended to offer a flavour of my unique style of life coaching for MEN. Do take five minutes of your valuable time and get to k...

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