Client References

"Thanks for your great support! It is helpful and skilful. Look forward - as ever - to next meeting."  Health services entrepreneur, East London 

"I think I was very fortunate to try your web-site first when I was looking for a life coach. I have found your guidance to be objective and uncomplicated, and you have always provided me with much needed focus. You look as though you have been eating light bulbs!"  IT Professional, Docklands 
"I had a feeling of complete emptiness for about six months, and decided to go on a life coaching process to restore the balance, find out who I am and what I really want to get out of my life. I felt the need to isolate and keep the positive legacy of my personal history, and to identify and get rid of what wasn’t truly me. I believe we always meet the right people if we leave our rational brain behind and simply listen to our intuition – proof is I found a great coach who was the right person for the job, and led me both to start yoga and to read The Power of Now, which were big revelations. As at now, about six months after engaging in this coaching process, I feel good, and that I have made amazing progress in discovering/digging out who I am. The validation I get out of work is being replaced by the joy of honouring my values – I get more and more fulfilled by the joy of being a loving and caring, person." VP Marketing and Development, North London 

"I contacted Lee six months ago as I was about to make a big choice to leave my job and change my life. I wanted help from someone who was not invested in my life in any way, and thus could objectively support and challenge me as I powered through that change. I hadn’t expected to enjoy the process quite so much, or to get from Lee so much more than I’d bargained for. Do not be fooled into thinking that coaching with Lee will simply examine the practical mechanics of your life. He has got me to deeply scrutinise the how, the what, and the why of who I am with searing yet playful courage and honesty. With lightness, a sprinkling of humour, infectious enthusiasm, and beautiful spirituality, Lee creates a clear, quiet space that accepts and queries what you will unpack together. His incisiveness has often left me gasping/laughing at the eye-opening revelations about myself. I am learning to become who I am and fully inhabit an amazing life for myself, and I am deeply grateful & happy that I chose to invest in this work." Consultant & Entreprenuer, Bristol

"I got some quality time to relax and think about everything... I'm still really excited about all the work we did last year." Technology Entrepreneur, Islington 
"When I first met Lee I felt numb as a person, lacking direction, meaning and purpose in life. During our consultations, Lee has been tremendously helpful in helping me identify and sieve out the counterproductive patterns, which inhibited my personal and spiritual growth. I must admit I was not sure about life coaching as it sounded a bit "out there" BUT after clicking submit on the enquiry form I have never ever looked back. I have undergone a powerful transformation under Lee's guidance and have learnt so much about myself. The result being an empowered individual who is now in control of his destiny!"  Film and Television Editor, Finchley 
"I have handed in my notice.  Had to get pro-active in my life.  Our chat helped, I value your time and your words of "10,000 people make their living through writing, why can't you ?" has given me the impetus to have a go" Writer, Westminster 
"Thank you for all your help and support over the last few months it has been great to work with you" NHS Trust Senior Executive, Hertfordshire
"When we worked together over the Summer of 2004, you helped me to gain real insight and I will be forever thankful to you... it has been great to contact you again and remember what a special person you are and the impact you have by doing what you love to do." Events Manager, London 
"I am enormously grateful for the way in which you have helped me to break through some of the blockages in my life and for the sound advice you have provided through a challenging yet exciting period. I feel like I have taken the first steps on an exciting journey and that I am able to take a different perspective on life. I am sure I will look to you for assistance in future as and when it is required and will also have no hesitation in recommending you to others as a Life Coach. I also hope to see you at the opening of my bar next year! "  Investment Banker, City 
"I have found our time together enormously valuable in bringing into focus what it is that I want to do with my life, what really matters and what does not.  Far from being airy-fairy psychobabble, your approach is a really sound and practical way of systematically identifying what are one's core values, and then evaluating the extent to which they are being met, and identifying how to ensure they are met in those areas where they are not. The thing I have found most empowering is the wisdom you have imparted, which I know intuitively to be true, in relation to a number of matters. . I always come away from our sessions feeling uplifted and empowered.

The most valuable thing you have given me is perspective - a realisation that wellbeing comprises simultaneously satisfying a number of needs, and there is really no point over-focussing.   Trite of course, and I knew that already, but you have really deepened my understanding of this truth.

But the best thing of all: the belief that anything is possible.  We are limited only by our own minds.  Fantastic!"  Senior Lawfirm Partner, Westminster 
"Coaching helps you learn about yourself and feel the better for it, Lee is highly professional and always puts your best interests first." Business Analyst, Notting Hill 
"I am so glad I am doing this.  I am so glad I am doing this with you.  I am so proud of myself that I am taking action."  Global IT Manager, Australia 
"Whilst appearing successful in conventional career terms, I was stressed, suffered from ill-health, had sleepless nights and felt guilty about not making time for the people I loved ... but I couldn’t see a way out. I went down many wrong roads in trying to find solutions to my unbalanced lifestyle. Finally, I realised I was treating the symptoms, not the problem. So I took the step of finding a life coach. My coach helped me identify what I valued most in life and what I really enjoyed doing. Having a totally independent person to listen to me and to challenge my own self limiting beliefs opened my mind to a whole new set of ideas. Just as importantly, my coach enabled me to realise that I was in control and able to choose the life that was right for me." Insurance Sector COO, Lake District 
"I knew immediately that I had found someone with a depth of wisdom, warmth and compassion who would not hesitate to put the challenging questions but who would also be there to encourage and support me. ... I was not mistaken in my judgement; working with Lee has enabled me to re-discover the true essence of my being which I had fought hard to ignore and in acknowledging that, enabled me to move forward with energy and optimism. I am now able to see the path ahead with much greater clarity and I KNOW it's the right one!" Private School Head Teacher, Docklands 
"'I found Lee a joy to work with, gently leading you down a fascinating path of self-discovery towards an answer or solution you were looking for, but may not have found on your own. I can recommend him highly." Hedge Fund Manager, Chelsea 
"We were only a few minutes into the first session before I felt certain that Lee's way of working was exactly what I needed. His style is friendly, supportive and understanding, but very focused on guiding the session in a positive direction at all times. I felt that the work was very carefully crafted for my needs.  Throughout, I never felt that I was being pushed in any direction I didn't want to go.  I found the experience challenging in many ways, exploring truths about myself that I had never thought about before." Safety Engineer, Hertfordshire 
"A giant THANK YOU for this wonderful message you wrote to me. It got tears welling up my eyes. Tears of joy and of such deep understanding.........It came to the right moment also. You really do know your stuff very very well" Artist and Healer, Austria  
"I think the most important thing to come out of our sessions is that I now feel valid; when I feel or think something I no longer question it, but accept it as being the truth of who I am. I've started to live my life in accordance with my own personal truth and as a result I'm happier and a lot less stressed. Thanks for all your help: it really was worth every penny. I feel like I've done a great emotional audit. I'm so more assertive, less inclined to take crap from people, and I know where I stand on things." Legal Associate, Balham 

"Working with Lee helped me focus where I want to go next in my life. The programme is well structured and allows achieving goals within the time frame. Lee is engaging and obviously enjoys what he is doing. Great stuff!" Oncology Consultant, Muswell Hill 
'I contacted Lee when I realised the changes I needed in my life and myself were too daunting to manage on my own. Lee helped me through a journey of self discovery. I felt empowered all the way in the knowledge that Lee wasn't judging me or finding answers for me. I regained a confidence and eagerness I hadn't felt in years.

I have come a long way in the last 6 months and my life has changed tremendously, for the better, because I have changed. I have resurfaced 'the real me' that had been hidden for years and am facing the new year full of ambition and determination." Management Consultant, St. Albans 
Lee has given me the confidence to do things I have only ever talked about doing. Working with Lee is more like having a really close friend you can talk to and helps you through things, without any judgement, this is very liberating. Lee has given me a strong belief in myself and what I can do. This has changed my attitude to the way I have approached my job and through some very difficult times. Recently I have had a very negative attitude, which is now very much a positive one" Hair Dresser, Stratford 
"I have worked with Lee for a few months and have generally become more focussed and am imbued with a greater sense of purpose. I am working to overcome acute and chronic procrastination and Lee has taught me a greater sense of responsibility for my actions (and inactions) and offered me a number of tools to deal with procrastination." Law Student, N1  
"Lee made me realise that this wasn’t as simple as finding a new career or getting a job, I needed a whole new view of the world. I was totally without direction or focus, hitting the bottle badly and generally in ‘headless chicken’ mode. Lee’s approach is nurturing and non-judgemental, drawing out the answers I knew I had but couldn’t seem to release. Going right back to the fundamentals and building upwards with each session it made complete sense." Physiotherapy Manager, London 
"I felt very confused about which direction to take in life. Lee didn't tell me what the right answer was. What he did was to teach me the tools to realise what the possibilities were for me and then focus on the ones which really suited me. Thanks" Dental Surgeon, Farringdon  
"When I first got in touch with you I was just looking for some help in getting promoted and making the best of a career I wasn't really happy with. You've helped me understand what it is I truly value in life, to rediscover my creativity and to start to believe that, instead of making the best of a joyless career, I can change direction and realise my dreams. It's been brilliant working with you". Partner Big 5 Consultancy, City  
"Although I only worked with Lee for a few weeks his approach to targeting my key motivations and values was truly helpful. We often don't realize how much we reveal of our true aspirations in everyday speech, but Lee helped unmask these effectively. I found my time with him well spent and productive." Illustrator, Fulham 

"Several months have passed since we finished our work together. Of course I was able to see its immediate usefulness and impact while we were doing it, I however feel it’s only now that I can fully appreciate and reflect on the effects it had on me and consequently on my life. It’s only now I can see the link between the exercises we did and the changes in my behaviour. It’s only now I see how all these exercises fit together and what they were aiming at building.

Naturally I want to thank you again, but as we both know your role is the one of a facilitator and thank you are not the right words. I would like to congratulate you on the great work you have done in creating these exercises. Being so well thought over, they made change easy and effective - I trust your great ability to listen and help with them makes also a big difference.

Moreover, the result of this work is more than the sum of its parts; the strength it has given me continues to grow: by allowing me to increase my awareness and my sense of responsibility, you have given me power and control on my life and myself. Needless to say, my joy and happiness are much greater today than when I met you about a year ago; they were always there as we both know, but you helped me find them.

That sparkle and joy for life hasn’t left me since." Book Publisher, Camden

"I found our time together to be effective and at times it made me quite emotional. The approach balanced practicality with spiritual depth which was liberating." Banking Management Consultant, Berhamstead 
"Despite realising I was squirming last night I felt that again by the end
of out time together something had shifted to give me fresh perspective. It is true that action speaks with these things so I will not waste any more words apart from "thank you" - you helped me a lot." Global Brand Logistics VP, NW1 
"You are the best kind of friend. I feel I can sit on a porch and swing with you, never say a word, and then walk away, feeling like it was the best conversation I've ever had." Client, St. Albans 
"I had reached a point where life had become a series of repetitions. Past behaviours dictated that I would fail, I would be unhappy and as a result would continue to stand still, going no where. My work with Lee has shown me very clearly that I am in control of my future, and more importantly, able to be effective in managing my thoughts, fears and feelings in a way that allows me to be confident in who I am, what I aim to be in the future and sure that I will get there. Its like being born. Its painful, emotional, you rebel against it, but there's a fantastic light at the end that makes it all worth while. I'm not there yet, but what's changed is, I know I'm on my way." Conductor, Bedfordshire 
"Lee has been a breath of fresh air - he helps put things in perspective and gives you the ability to think clearly about the future" Derivatives Trader, Clapham 
"Lee has been invaluable in finding clarity as to what I want to achieve in my life and to come up with a structured plan to follow through with actions towards that goal. The sessions have been thousand times more helpful than any self help book I had read over the past few years. Thank you!" Musician, Finsbury Park 
"I can safely say that spending time with you yesterday was one of the best investments ever made by me.  Thank you for laying those seeds" Executive Recruitment MD, Camden 
"Lee is a professional, intelligent coach who provides an excellent service.  His key skills are his ability to listen intently, focus on the areas of greatest need and provide insights in a manner that is friendly and easy-going.  Honesty is key to his work and he provides a platform where you can be honest without judgement.  His willingness to travel to a location near you is a great positive. I would fully recommend his services to someone looking for some help and improvement in their lives." IT Consultant, EC1 
"Lee is an incredibly powerful and inspiring coach. He is a great listener and he helped me overcoming obstacles in my personal and professional life. The experience is truly worthwhile and I would definitely recommend his services to anyone who wants to take successful steps in changing particular aspects in life." Banking Consultant, Canary Wharf 
"The work with Lee has opened my eyes to who I really am, and what makes me tick. It has helped me, within a complicated life situation, to drill down to the main roots of unhappiness and eventually to embrace a career change as a real option and not just something to dream about" Loans Officer, EC1 
"When I first met Lee, I felt lost and a little bit angry with the world. I remember he told me we are now living a great moment, full of opportunities. When he told me this, I thought "Yeah right", but he was so positive that after a few sessions with him, I started feeling better and better. Thanks to our sessions together, I now feel stronger to face the world and I can look at things in a different light" Account Manager, Ealing 
"The style of discussion was very open and very good at drawing out of you insight that you had a feeling was there but had lost under layers of issues and the daily stresses of life. ... Lee helped me to understand what I am actually about beneath the veneer of modern day living and (the me bit) then to identify what it is I would most like to do with my life with a strong focus on the career element. The result weren’t what I expected which is why I think the process is so valuable – sometimes you need to work out what is the best course of action despite yourself." Managing Director, Interior design company, Herts 
"We all have the answers within, Lee has done a brilliant job helping me dig those answers out and put them into action." Finance VP, Islington
"I’d highly recommend Lee for his mature and respectful approach and ability to pace his coaching perfectly. It was a big step for me to engage a coach, but it’s a great way to establish your goals. Simply taking that first step helps start the momentum.

Lee’s working relationship is excellent, the tools and techniques he has employed during our work have revealed important home truths and enabled me to realise that there is only one person at the driving seat for my life.

Finally, and most importantly for a died in the wool corporate business man looking for a coach, Lee has a credible background as a respected entrepreneur and easily relates to the pressures associated with ‘real-life’" Business Analyst, Canary Wharf 

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Great Life Coach Blog Articles

Self Employed and being eaten alive by your company? The gift that is you Several years ago, the mission seed in your spirit that drives what you have to give to the world, started to power a creative...
Living with Purpose: A Journey to Self-Discovery As human beings, we all face the question, "what is my life purpose?" at some point in our lives. The answer to this question can have a profound impac...
Moving Forward: Navigating Ambivalence with a Life Coach As a life coach, I have worked with many clients who have found themselves in relationships that are no longer serving them. Some of them ...
Life Coaching is fundamentally an opportunity to invest in yourSelf. The investment, discovery and effort that you make today can change your life for the better, forever. Investing in your life in th...
Lost? Stressed? Confused? Exhausted? Disconnected? Unbalanced? Powerless? Miserable? Do you make a living or do you make a dying? In response to the growing number of clients that I see manifesting a ...
Arguments, uncertainty, fear, misunderstanding, unheard, sex-less, unromantic, where did our love go... You have probably only found your way to this page if you feel like change is needed. Consider t...

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