"Since our meeting of Friday I have been feeling good, there has been a positive release within me. I have been embracing my relationship/encounters with friends and family in these past days with such enthusiam. It's startling! I can feel a constant smile on my lips. I'm really feeling the James Brown "Good". Don't laugh at my way of expression, but that is what I'm experiencing/experienced in the UK. Strangely I feel like I have you sitting on my shoulder whispering repeatedly "What do you value?" You have made me realise that I value a hell of lot, more than what I wrote down on Friday. I THANK YOU for this!!" Executive, Italy.
"Thank you for all your hard work, patience and love" Restaurant Manager, Buckinghamshire
"Lee is a first-rate coach and has been instrumental in helping me set out on a new career path. He is an excellent listener and communicator and through his own techniques and methodologies understands very well how to achieve results that suit his client. I value the coaching work we did together very much and would absolutely recommend Lee to anyone who feels somewhat overwhelmed by their situation and needs some expert support. Have been singing your praises, so there may well be referrals to come next year." MBA Entrepreneur, SW London
"Thank you for all your guidance and refreshment this year" Small Business Owner, Stevenage
"When I started working with Lee I was feeling directionless and disappointed with my life. I was confused about what path to take and what career would fulfill me. Our work has been challenging, inspiring, at times frustrating but without a doubt, transformational. I finally have a sense of direction and for the first time in forever, I feel excited about my future and all the possibilities waiting for me. With Lee's help I am beginning to find the confidence to create myself an exciting new reality... and you know, I really feel I might even be able to achieve amazing things! I am by no means rich but I can assure anybody considering lifecoaching that the impact on your life is frankly, priceless. Lee is sensitive, intuitive, calming and extremely easy to work with, whilst remaining challenging, focussed and ensuring that you continue to move forward. I particularly value his ability to to shift effortlessly between being practical, business minded, and entrepenurial whilst also bringing a sense of spriritual awareness and knowledge to our work." Artistic Entrepreneur, Bucks.