By Great Life Coach on Friday, 12 February 2016
Category: men

Why are Men less happy than Women

I was recently cited in the following article in the London Daily Telegraph which you may also find interesting. Why are Men less happy than Women?

The social divide in the gender's response to adverse emotion has been well documented, both academically and anecdotally. Great Life Coach, a life coach and male mentor, recognises the adverse influence that social expectations and restrictions can have on the male experience. An influence, the therapist tells me, that he believes exceeds the biological in severity.

"My observation is that sadness in men is primarily triggered by the social and cultural expectations that are placed upon them, expectations that they can't possibly live up to. Men will always have just as many problems as women, but whereas it's acceptable for women to externalise emotion, our culture expects men to deal with them with 'manly' ease.

"When you sit down with a man and discover his fears and vulnerabilities, you realise just how tender men actually are. 40 per cent of my clients are men, and most of them cite feeling isolated. Isolated from their partners, from their passions and from their communities.

"And this isolation leaves men feeling stuck and drained by their lives – some to an extent where they no longer wish it to be that way. And that is gender specific – sensitivity, vulnerability, trust, empathy – it's all been educated out of men over time. So it's no wonder we are disconnected."

Why are men less happy than women?

Men's Coaching

Men perhaps its time to get happy again. I can help you do that, but you may prefer to go it alone. This Work is a nice place to start. "In the modern world, we often feel lost in our relationships and uncertain in our ability to care about other people. But at the same time, as social creatures, we share a very deep inspiration toward connection, loving, and communion with others." - Men this is strong teaching that can set us up to walk a very different path in life.

We find ourselves in this predicament because of our culture›s emphasis on the left-brain or "thinking mind" as the primary lens for viewing oneself and the world. In Awakening the Heart, Reggie will lead you through a progressive series of teachings and body-based meditations for rediscovering the vast and mysterious domain of the human heart—and accessing the depths of wisdom available within your body at this very moment. This is the path of bodhicitta, a compassionate commitment to be present to life and transform oneself in order to love everything that is in a way that is infinite and unconditional.

"Who we are in our essence is a living field of awakened and boundless love," teaches Reggie. Awakening the Heart is your invitation to the lifelong journey of reconnecting to our fundamental goodness and cultivating our capacity to love.

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