By Great Life Coach on Sunday, 04 September 2016
Category: life change

Summer Holiday Career Change

"...sacrifice your health in order to make money. Then you sacrifice money to recuperate your health. Then you are so anxious about the future that you don't enjoy the present: the result being that you do not live in the present or the future; you live as if you are never going to die, and then you die having never really lived." 

by Dalai Lama

I hope you've had (or are still having!) a great Summer filled with sunshine, play, family-time and relaxation.

If you're like me, you probably also spent time reflecting on the way that your life-journey is shaping up? Or maybe you've returned from your hard-earned holidays thinking "Right! Something has to change."?

For many of us, our work is the place we spend most of our life-time. If our career isn't in perfect alignment with who we are and what we are about, then an inner-struggle will surely grow. An inner struggle that can't be numbed-over by quick jolly's to exotic destinations.

If you are thinking of changing career but feel lost, stuck or in a fog, I can help you.

Do what you love, love what you do, and deliver more than you promise.

I have seen that a sacred path exists for all of us. The way that we choose to show-up in our daily work is the biggest opportunity we have to feel like a meaningful connected contributing human. The strangest thing happens to us when we contribute; something comes back to us, a completeness.

Why work with a Career Coach?

Over the past twelve years I have helped thousands of men and women. I can probably help you! Let's step back from the daily grind and take some perspective on your life. Let's discover what it is that will free your spirit? Our coaching work together will reveal your purpose in a very practical way that will allow you to confidently bring about change in your career, your relationships and the way that you relate to the world.

I go way beyond psychometric testing and traditional career counselling. I will take you on a journey deep inside to discover your True Self, to get acquainted with what is wrong in your life situation today, and to discover your uniqueness in this world. Having discovered the essence of your Self, we then build up a knowledge of who you really are, your purpose, your strengths and your values -- and what you are here to do; Your gift to the world.

It may be a case of simply re-crafting your existing career and adopting a clarifying attitudinal change, it may be a total career change or a life change!

As a career coach my gift is to help you embrace your career as a path that will allow you to be who you really are; a path of meaning and if you are open to it, a path of happiness. Using a safe and supportive foundation, I always work to help you explore your inner being, to regain balance in your personal and working life and to align with your true values and fullest potential. I offer a stimulating London-based face-to-face or tele-coaching program customised to fit your current personal development needs. I partner with intelligent, successful people who want to excel at their passion, gifts and unique talents in a way that brings them success, happiness and balance.

Otherwise... do what you always did and you will get what you always got, until your next holiday in the sun.

Go well.

Lee x

Thanks for the image by Sarah_Ackerman (Flickr creative commons)


Career Coaching - Deep effective support for career change - Purpose - Great Life Coach London

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