By Great Life Coach on Thursday, 01 March 2018
Category: life change

No Direction, Stuck, Lost or in a Fog

If you are Lost? Stuck? Bored? Stressed? Confused? Exhausted? Directionless? Disconnected? Unbalanced? Powerless? Miserable? Lonely? Numb? Dead?

AND you are ready to live a Passionate, Purposeful and Peaceful life

THEN welcome to Great Life Coach, I can help!

You are in the right place because lost-ness, stuck-ness and confusion is one of the most common life challenges that I work with. So although it might feel like you are alone, you are not and your stuckness CAN be changed. We can get you to be less sticky.

If there are external desires, allow yourself to honour and fulfil them, or just let them go.

If you deny what you truly desire, it has you. It is a stuckness in your consciousness that you will keep coming back to, yet if you acknowledge it, you have to the ability to either bring it into your consciousness or let it go.

Either way you are taking charge of your growth and your life. (Levenson)

Familiar words to you? Over the years I've worked with a pretty smart bunch of people. For a long time it didn't make sense to me that women and men with all kinds of street-smarts, business-smarts and academic-smarts could be so STUCK. In fact stuckness, that inability to make sense of the current situation and bravely move forwards is a very common reason for people working with a coach.

You may even be wondering if there is something wrong with you to feel so stuck. But the fact is there's an epidemic of stuckness and ambivalence about many things these days. We live in an age that promotes self-awareness but often fails to show us how to use that awareness to arrive at good decisions. In addition we aren't given tools to work with the feelings that result from stuckness; Often creating more fog and stuckness for ourselves.

No matter what your circumstances, you may find that your work or relationships don't quite live up to your expectations, much less your dreams. Perhaps you don't get to engage your creative talents or your altruistic impulses, or you find your co-workers aggressive and unfriendly. Or perhaps you simply don't enjoy your job and you're not sure why. And you feel helpless to know what to do about it all.

Even if you're an entrepreneur, determining your own work and setting your own hours, perhaps you wish you had more power to make a difference in the world.

The impulse is to move away from these kinds of situations... towards what?

How did we get into the situation where the furture looks so bleak?

Maybe you then ask yourself questions like...

Lost, Stuck, Life Coaching

Time is short. How shall I spend this precious resource? How do I want to be with myself? With others?

Finding clarity for what's next sometimes depends on whether you actually want to find clarity in the first place or whether the most comfortable place for you is staying up in the air the way you've been.

If you are feeling stuck, ask yourself the following powerful questions...

Your current situation is either too good to leave or too bad to stay in. But it can't be both. So there are definite answers for you here, but if you really don't want to come to a decision about what's next, you'll find that out as well.

Try This...

The following piercing questions may also help you see through your problem:

No wonder so many of us have trouble figuring out what is best for us to do. But you can find the clarity you are looking for if you really want to. I believe that you do want to, and that you have everything it takes to see what's best for you. Our coaching work together is about finding clarity and giving yourself permission to act on that clarity. No more ambivalence, no more putting yourself on trial, no more fog, fortunately there is a much better alternative.. and I can help you.

Sometimes we need help to take on our stuckness, either to solve the problem by changing your circumstances or by changing your view of your circumstances. I can help you!

Take up the challenge of finding confident clarity. Using a safe and supportive foundation of trust, freedom of expression and commitment, I always work to help you explore your inner being, to regain balance in your personal and working life and to align with your true values and fullest potential. Using a stimulating face-to-face or telecoaching program customised to fit your current personal development needs, my coaching focuses on your inner guidance, purpose, skills, beliefs, techniques and processes necessary to take you into a great future.

I partner with intelligent, successful people who want to excel at their passion, gifts and unique talents in a way that brings them success, happiness and balance. Otherwise, do what you always did and you will get what you always got!

Great Life Coach Enquiry

coaching for 20 year olds
coaching for 30 year olds
coaching for 40 year olds

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