By Great Life Coach on Sunday, 05 November 2017
Category: career

Entrepreneur Coaching Extraordinaire

My empowering work with entrepreneurs draws deeply from over 30 years of International entrepreneurial experience. My entrepreneur coaching makes use of powerful coaching techniques set against a backdrop of my own varied business and entrepreneurial experiences. Over the years I have worked with hundreds of people and many of them are either seasoned or fledgling entrepreneurs. Many of my clients make use of a career change to go out and set up their own business. Entrepreneurship has many variables, I have worked on many varied assignments. Whether you are a mum setting up a home business or a property investment millionaire looking for a confident I can probably help. My work is particularly effective with start-ups and spin-outs.

Since the age of 16 I have been successfully growing entrepreneurial companies in several diverse fields. I have created and grown exciting technology and media companies. I spent extensive time in both the United States and the UK wielding my leadership skills, creativity, passion, pioneering spirit and razor mind. I have been involved in many internet and interactive publishing initiatives that have sought to create wealth in an eclectic array of industry sectors, including movies, edutainment, stock option trading, medical, software, health, security, books, construction, adventure games, personal finance, insurance and virtual reality. During the dotcom moment, I built an e-commerce solutions company over 20 months to become one of Europe's leading Internet integrators which resulted in a significant stock exchange floatation. I continue to be active with several entrepreneurial driven companies.

Today is a great day to uncover what You really want from your working life and to embark on an impactful future. Being an entrepreneur is a great way to get control of your life and make sure that you are doing exactly what YOU want to do with your life.

Entrepreneurial Coaching

When I work with a new client I like to establish "What are your objectives with the coaching relationship?" Honestly establishing what you want and what is important to you, these may be personal or business objectives. We then look at "What get's in the way?". We understand "What we can count on you for?", what you bring to the table. Finally we determine how you would like to be different after eight weeks of working together. This framework forms the basis of a powerful relationship. My entrepreneur coaching skills are utterly unique, melding strong technical, marketing, corporate finance and strategic leadership experience.

If you are an entrepreneur, don't try and figure out what you think people want, and then create a product to fill that niche. That's always going to make you feel compromised. Instead, discover what you're deeply passionate about. What is the contribution you most want to make? Find a way to articulate that with energy and sing it loud from the rooftops. And then trust that the tribe you're meant to reach will naturally gather around you. The world needs spiritually driven entrepreneurs right now.

In some cases an already successful entrepreneur might make use of a coaching relationship as a confident. A confident that uses a combination of real business experience and many coaching techniques to help you unravel your challenges. My coaching often flows between business-practical and the personal-spiritual-meaning dimensions. An entrepreneur who intends to sleep well at night and lead a vibrant giving life must chart all these territories simultaneously. It is often lonely as an independent at the top, I can be used as an excellent sounding board to help you align your personal life and spiritual life with your professional life.

If you are already at the helm of your business, considering freelancing, starting up or branching out, I can help you in the following ways:

About Me - Topics - Great Life Coach London

I believe you will excel when your work is most aligned with your values, purpose and passion. I particularly advocate working holistically with entrepreneurs. My coaching work is also complimented by working with you in a corporate advisory capacity with specific domain expertise in the technology, media, software, film and creative industries.

As a Life Coach I can help you tune into a furnace that is your sense of purpose and contribution, get in touch today! A unified sense of who you are that can empower you go to any height. Ready for lift off?

Take up the challenge of confident ongoing change. Using a safe and supportive foundation of trust, freedom of expression and commitment, I always work to help you explore your inner being, to regain balance in your personal and working life and to align with your true values and fullest potential. Using a stimulating face-to-face, phone support and email program customised to fit your current personal development needs, my coaching focuses on your inner guidance, purpose, skills, beliefs, techniques and processes necessary to take you into a great future.

I partner with intelligent, successful people who want to excel at their passion, gifts and unique talents in a way that brings them success, happiness and balance. Do what you always did and you will get what you always got! Lets change the world.

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