By Great Life Coach on Sunday, 25 December 2011
Category: inspiration

Christmas Light

 Many peeps will celebrate Christmas in a few days time, as I do in my own way. But whatever your religious or spiritual persuasion, this is a time of love and hope. I am stepping back for a few weeks to take in the grace of the season.
Over the past week or so I have received several good-will emails from the spiritual and personal development newsletters that I am subscribed to. One newsletter in particulate from Terry Patten over at Beyond Awakening really caught my attention and I was moved to share it here.

Something universal in the human spirit is rising at this time to celebrate the light that defiantly, brightly shines--even now, in what is (in the Northern Hemisphere) the darkest time of the year. While the lights sparkle and rich aromas and melodies rise up, the cold bites and the body yearns to hibernate.

It can be one of the most wonderful, and, paradoxically, one of the most difficult times of the whole year. We are made to notice light and fullness, but also darkness and emptiness; we are reminded of our connectedness, but also of our aloneness.

Every person we love (including every person, alive now or not, who we have ever loved) awakens our recognition of the Universal Beloved, That which is the essence of all that is lovable and loving, the One from whom we can never be separated.

Giving gifts is a way to remind ourselves of love, to enact our gratitude, to express the spirit of generosity that is our only sanity.

And yet so is being quiet and still, and noticing the fullness that is always already present.

And so, of course, life requires us to choose again. To find our heart's "yes" to both light and darkness. To find a way to walk with love in this still only half-made world, this place where love is yet to fully take its hold.

May your heart find a way to practice this holiday season. May you find a way to notice the light in the darkness in every single body, to notice the non-separation that lets you reach across the gaps that face you!


2011 was an exceptional year and 2012 promises to be a year of transformation.

I will be emailing my popular HAPPY NEW YOU newsletter on 1st January, be sure to sign up to receive it!



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