Terms and Conditions

The Great Life Coach contact form is only to be used by genuine enquiries from new clients. Using the form to SPAM the coach is against the usage terms of this website.

What is Life Coaching?

No medical advice is given nor is life coaching a substitute for medical advice. Always contact your doctor if you feel you need medical advice or treatment. Life Coaching is not an appropriate support service if you have been diagnosed with mental illness or are under psychiatric care.

Life coaching is a profession focussed on the health and wellness of individuals. It is NOT therapy or psychotherapy. I do not give advice. We do explore options for change together, but you are always in control and always free to make your own choices.  I do not choose for you. Life coaching is about moving forward and creating the life YOU want.  A Life Coach truly believes in YOU and your ability to move forward and accomplish the goals you have set for yourself. We will hold you accountable for the results and offer support, encouragement, motivation throughout the process. In most cases there are no-quick fixes to our lives, many Life Coaching challenges and assignments will require a long term commitment on your part. If you would like to learn more about Life Coaching, please Get in Touch. FAQ

Prices and Services subject to change with reasonable notice.

The Truth

On my own journey, I've discovered deep and powerful truths that hold up for large numbers of people, truths that have been validated over and over, when there is an opportunity I exercise my responsibility to share these truths with you. However... Remember do not accept anything that I say as the Truth, you must find that for yourself by challenging your beliefs. A critical investigation of beliefs increases the willingness to take responsibility for them and also nurtures self-reliance.


All your material and communications will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.

I am committed to protecting your privacy. You have my assurance that I will only use the information that I collect about you lawfully (in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998).  I collect information about you for one reason only: to provide you with the best possible service.

The type of information I will collect about you includes your name, address, phone number and email address.  I will never collect sensitive information about you without your explicit consent. The information I hold will be accurate and up to date. You can check the information that I hold about you by emailing me. If you find any inaccuracies I will delete or correct it promptly. The personal information which I hold will be held securely in accordance with our internal security policy and the law. You need to be aware that email and other Internet communications are not secure and may be vulnerable to miss-delivery, loss and surveillance. If you have any questions/comments about privacy, you should email me.

Internet communications, including emails and form submissions, cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, arrive late or contain viruses. I use Google Mail to receive and archive any information that you may send to me, and as such it will be as confidential as defined by Google Mail's confidentiality policy. Great Life Coach therefore does not accept liability for any errors, omissions or breaches of confidentiality that may arise as a result of Internet transmission of personal information.

Website Terms and Conditions

Thank you for visiting - come by and see us again soon x

Great Life Coach - 75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ

©Copyright 2003-2023 Great Life Coach - London (UK)