Write a Review


I have worked with hundreds of people over the past ten years.  Many of them have been kind enough to write a few "reference" lines about what it has been like to work with Great Life Coach.

Amidst your busy (or restful) day. Would you be so kind as to send me a quote or a few "reference" lines that summarize how you feel about the effectiveness, depth and style of our work together. I would appreciate it!

You can either reply to my email with your good words or if you have a gmail account you can visit the link below to write a review right into my Google Places listing.

Every now and then, and it is thankfully very rare a client may have some constructive feedback or recommendation about our coaching work.  If that is the case, then please do contact me directly :)

Many of my clients come from referrals, and my business depends on people hearing about a good thing. If you know of anyone who is stuck or seeking to bring about change in their lives; perhaps they would benefit from a coaching relationship, I would be grateful for your referral. :)

Enjoy the sunshine (ha) !

Best wishes


Thank you for visiting - come by and see us again soon x

Great Life Coach - 75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ

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